12 Views Created July 16, 2015 By The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By The Gaming Ground • Updated March 23, 2023

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R.I.P. Saturo Iwata - Thank you for everything

Origin Entry: Gaming


It´s always really painful to lose someone whom you really like, and even though I never meet Mr. Satoru Iwata in real life. It sure felt like I lost a really good friend when Iwata passed away on the 11th of July, because Iwata-San was not "just" the CEO of Nintendo.

He was also a very loveable spirit and personality, and due to the fact that people I know has died just recently. I took Mr. Iwata´s death pretty badly…


It´s always really painful to lose someone whom you really like, and even though I never meet Mr. Satoru Iwata in real life. It sure felt like I lost a really good friend when Iwata passed away on the 11th of July, because Iwata-San was not "just" the CEO of Nintendo.

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