93 Views Created July 22, 2015 By Johnboy645 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Johnboy645 • Updated March 23, 2023

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Atlantis: Trial by fire intro

Origin Entry: Thalassophobia


The original cut opening for the Disney film "Atlantis: The Lost Empire". In which a crew of vikings attempt to find the lost city of Atlantis, only to be met by it's monstrous guardian. The Leviathan.

In my personal opinion, not only am I surprised that they cut this scene, but even more so by the fact that they didn't include it in the blue-ray version. Yes. This cut scene was and is only available on the VHS version; and I never would have known about it if someone hadn't uploaded it to youtube.

So enjoy it! Much like I did, as the Leviathan was one of my favorite things from the film.


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