233 Views Created September 06, 2015 By The Film Theorists • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By The Film Theorists • Updated March 23, 2023

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Film Theory: Can a Doctor Who Doctor ACTUALLY EXIST? (pt. 2, Time Travel)

Origin Entry: Doctor Who


"Grab your Sonic Screwdriver and be on the lookout for Daleks because we're out to see whether a time-hopping Doctor a la Doctor Who would be a physical possibility…or at the very least, whether a human could fit the bill and become a Timelord. There's A LOT to cover, from biology to technology to, you know, TIME HOPPING, so it'll have to be done in chunks. This time, we're tackling TIME TRAVEL. Is it feasible in the realm of physics to move FORWARD through time? And how about back? That one takes us into the realm of THE MOST COMPLICATED CONCEPTS we've ever covered on the Theorist channels…"

Well… you need to watch the first part, for understand this video: https://knowyourmeme.com/videos/116795-doctor-who


NEW Theorist Livestream TONIGHT @6:00PM PST: https://www.youtube.com/user/MatthewPatrick13 Missed Part 1? Check it out HERE! ►► http://bit.ly/1PB4Qf0 Harry Potter is NOT the Chosen One ► http://bit.ly/1dHmIsk Want Bulletproof skin? Here's HOW! ► http://bit.ly/1WVlg7C Like the theme song? Thanks to Carf Darko!

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