3270 Views • Created September 15, 2015 By tbfrost • Updated June 17, 2019 Share →
Created By tbfrost • Updated June 17, 2019
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Crocodile propelled upwards by tail
Origin Entry:
Damn Nature, You Scary!
tbfrostFriends, sorry it took me a day longer to get this video out to you; I was on a one day assignment for @sciencemagazine and had limited access to Internet. But here it is!!! Crocodiles have incredibly strong tails. Their tails propel them in the water like torpedoes from a submarine. In fact, as you see here, their tails are so strong that they can propel their entire body out of the water. Crocodiles are so cool. Stay tuned for more amazing crocodile photos and videos.
"Friends, sorry it took me a day longer to get this video out to you; I was on a one day assignment for @sciencemagazine and had limited access to…"
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