13 Views Created 8 years ago By РУССКОЕ КИНО и новости • Updated about a year ago

Created By РУССКОЕ КИНО и новости • Updated about a year ago

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In Germany, will be judged by the former member of the SS

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94-year-old Reinhold Gunning, who served during the Second World War, a guard at Auschwitz, is accused of involvement in the murder of at least 170 thousand people. According to investigators, he is engaged in the distribution of prisoners and deciding whom to send to forced labor, and who – in the gas chamber.
In addition, in late February, is expected to appear before the court is another former SS sergeant – 95-year-old Hubert Zafke, worked as an orderly in the camp. He was also charged with complicity in the massacres. Recently in Germany the case of former SS men – increasingly come to court. In the past year to four years in prison, he was sentenced Oskar Groening, whom the press dubbed accountant from Auschwitz.


94-летний Райнгольд Ганнинг, служивший в годы Второй мировой войны охранником в Освенциме, обвиняется в причастности к убийству не менее 170 тысяч человек. По версии следствия, именно он занимался распределением заключенных и решал, кого отправить на принудительные работы, а кого – в газовую камеру.

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