75 Views Created 8 years ago By Arlo • Updated about a year ago

Created By Arlo • Updated about a year ago

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Mario and Luigi CAN'T REPLACE Paper Mario

Origin Entry: Paper Mario


Now that we know for sure why Nintendo gutted one of our favorite series, let's take this opportunity to explore why the decision wasn't a good one--why simply "going and playing Mario and Luigi" isn't a satisfactory solution.

I really didn't want to do a followup to "The Problem With Paper Mario," and in fact I didn't think this was going to be one, but I think that might just be what happened.

Click right on over here to see my first video on the subject:

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TWOOTER: @ArloStuff
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Now that we know for sure why Nintendo gutted one of our favorite series, let's take this opportunity to explore why the decision wasn't a good one--why simply "going and playing Mario and Luigi" isn't a satisfactory solution.

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