26 Views Created September 04, 2016 By toiletmunger • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By toiletmunger • Updated March 23, 2023

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It's Over, Isn't It? (SUMV)

Origin Entry: Steven Universe


This Steven Universe Music Video (or SUMV, for short) uses the
song "It's Over, Isn't It?" from the episode, "Mr. Greg", along with
clips from various episodes to highlight the love triangle between
Greg, Rose, and Pearl.

The clips come from the episodes "The Answer", "Story For Steven", "We
Need to Talk", "Rose's Scabbard", "Space Race", "Laser Light
Cannon", "Chille Tid", "Sworn to The Sword", "Lion 3: Straight to
Video", and, of course, "Mr. Greg".

Steven Universe is owned by Rebecca Sugar and Cartoon Network. "It's
Over, Isn't It?" was written by Rebecca Sugar, Aivi, and Surasshu and
performed by Jeff Ball, Aivi, Surasshu, and Deedee Magno-Hall (Pearl's
voice actor). I do not claim ownership to the music or clips used. So,
please don't sue me, okay?

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the video.


This Steven Universe Music Video (or SUMV, for short) uses the song "It's Over, Isn't It?" from the episode, "Mr. Greg", along with clips from various episodes to highlight the love triangle between Greg, Rose, and Pearl.

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