302 Views Created October 05, 2016 By Dark5 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Dark5 • Updated March 23, 2023

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5 Disturbing Clown Sightings Caught on Camera


From Ohio to England, towns around the world have been spooked by mysterious sightings of creepy and often menacing clowns. In Greenville, South Carolina there have been reports of "recent clown activity" with scary clowns allegedly offering children money to follow them into the woods. One Twitter user posted a supposed photo with the caption "Just spotted a major freak behind fleetwood apts."

News coverage of the clowns is rampant, and the reaction to recent videos and images highlights a growing fear of clowns suddenly sweeping the world. Known as Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns is a real phobia affecting up to 12% of the population. This time, the fears might be warranted as one teen in Columbus, Ohio recently reported being attacked and chased by a black-clad man wielding a knife and wearing a clown mask.

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Top 5 horror stories of recent creepy clown sightings around the world. Subscribe for new Dark5 ►► http://goo.gl/6YZKM3 From Ohio to England, towns around the world have been spooked by mysterious sightings of creepy and often menacing clowns.

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