53 Views Created October 31, 2018 By Tese Onze • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Tese Onze • Updated March 23, 2023

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What's going on in Brazil? | Thesis Eleven 001 (a special - sources in the description)

Origin Entry: Jair Bolsonaro



(Brasileiros, o vídeo já está com título em inglês, claro. Se apareceu em português é porque seu navegador está em português)

This a special video made directly in English to approach Jair Bolsonaro's recent election in Brazil. If you just got here, this is a leftist political channel that deals with a variety of topics from a sociological approach.

(English subtitles to help with the accent – Legendas em português disponíveis)

Sources (it's important because Bolsonaro supporters, unable to disprove anything, just wanna comment that I'm lying. Same old tactic employed by Trump supporters. Well, this is the same kind of people who tried to explain to Roger Waters the meaning of his own lyrics, so I'm not surprised.)

Two podcasts I featured in recently on the subject:

By my friend Alex: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/brazil-presidential-election-who-jair-bolsonaro-popular-candidate-more-dangerous-ncna925011
By my friend Gabriel: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4101-is-there-fascism-in-brazil-bolsonarism-as-terror-and-ideology

Check out Jacobin's coverage of Brazilian politics: https://jacobinmag.com/2018/10/latin-america-right-turn-bolsonaro-middle-class


ALL SOURCES BELLOW] (Brasileiros, o vídeo já está com título em inglês, claro. Se apareceu em português é porque seu navegador está em português) This a special video made directly in English to approach Jair Bolsonaro's recent election in Brazil.

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