0 Views • Created January 08, 2019 By The Last Sitcom • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By The Last Sitcom • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Weird Man Does A Weird Thing In An Elevator
What if a prank isn't so harmless? What if it was never intended to be? What if the prankster knew that something would go wrong? What if that's the reason why he did it?
In this animated comedy short, we answer these burning questions. The Bathroom Man has been playing a prank in the elevator of a local building for over a year. It's the same prank, escalated slightly with each new attempt. Usually, he can pull it off without a hitch, but it's still creepy and humiliating to the person he's pranking.
What's the prank? Well, he sticks his tongue out, eager to lick the back of the neck of the man in front of him. Bathroom Man doesn't lick him: the challenge is to get closer each time while remaining undetected. It's the same man every day, and the guy doesn't even know he's been the target of a disgusting, creepy practical joke.
But today, Bathroom Man isn't so lucky. He's gotten so close from doing it so many times that now there are just centimeters left between his tongue and the other passenger's neck. If Bathroom Man is to continue, he's going to have to get caught.
What if a prank isn't so harmless? What if it was never intended to be? What if the prankster knew that something would go wrong? What if that's the reason why he did it? In this animated comedy short, we answer these burning questions.
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