43 Views • Created June 02, 2020 By Double Toasted • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Double Toasted • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.THE RIOTS | WHAT PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND | Double Toasted
June 1, 2020
THE RIOTS | WHAT PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND | Double Toasted – You will come across a lot of discussions about american protests in April 2020 and May 2020, in places like Michigan for purposes such as their stand against the stay at home order, etc. However, in Minneapolis things have certainly changed this past week as the dangers of being an African American have pushed people to vs a truck, or block an ambulance, and heat up their rioting and after failed attempts to do peaceful protesting, now they've resulted to what some people may disagree with, but may have lost the point of. We educate what the point of rioting is, and why we've taken it this far. This is a very serious discussion, and we hope that you can stomach the reality of what needs to be said.
Head on over to Doubletoasted.com for funny movie reviews and movie trailer reactions to official trailers and more livestreamed for your viewing pleasure all throughout the week!
THE RIOTS | WHAT PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND | Double Toasted – You will come across a lot of discussions about american protests in April 20202 and May 2020, in…
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