24 Views • Created June 09, 2020 By BBC • Updated June 09, 2020 Share →
Created By BBC • Updated June 09, 2020
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Police in Peru Dance This Meme to Spread Awareness on at the start of the pandemic
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Coffin Dance / Dancing Pallbearers
Cheering up the people with the dancing polebearers memes
Coronavirus: Peru police dance and carry coffin to raise awareness
Peruvian police officers have found a novel way to raise awareness of the dangers of coronavirus during the pandemic.
In Cajamarca, a province north of the capital, Lima, a group of police officers danced and carried a coffin on their shoulders on Thursday night to warn people of the danger of Covid-19 and of the need to stay at home.
"Let's fight this epidemic together, let's beat it, let's go Cajamarca," they chanted.
26 Apr 2020
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