75 Views Created 4 years ago By Benzie Johnson • Updated about a year ago

Created By Benzie Johnson • Updated about a year ago

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Wishfart is an Absurdly Awesome, Magically Unpredictable Cartoon Thrill Ride (a review)

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I know Wishfart isn't super popular, but I personally like this Canadian (specifically Nelvana) cartoon and this review definitely explains some of the major reasons why I do. And trust me, there is FAR LESS toilet humor than the title of the show suggests (it's meant to be a play on "brainfart").

Also, the Wishfart creators noticed the vid on Twitter and said this: "Thanks, Benzie, for this amazing review! You really get what we're going for and what we love most about the show. Thanks for spending the time to make this and for sharing your thoughts."


Wishfart is a Canadian cartoon about the wacky and wild adventures of a teenage leprechaun and his unusual friends, and the wish-fueled accidents they make a…

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