181 Views Created July 30, 2021 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created • Updated March 23, 2023

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Mark DeCarlo / Hugh Neutron Says Trans Rights

Origin Entry: Trans Rights


you know what trans rights are human rights and human rights are trans rights it conforms to the transitive axiom in math if one thing is true then the other thing is true pie greater than cake that's another math thingy that proves that well pie is greater than cake and i mean the pie that you eat not the math pi that's p i i'm talking full on p-i-e baby everyone deserves to be treated equally well except for that jerk at work always taking my food out of the fridge at lunch time i pack a perfectly good lunch i go in there there's a huge bite out of my turkey sandwich that ain't right but trans rights is right


alt title: Hugh Neutron says trans rightsif you say anything s----- in my comments you're getting banned idcstolen from his Twitter https://twitter.com/markd…

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