124 Views Created November 04, 2021 By SteeScribbles • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By SteeScribbles • Updated March 23, 2023

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Brotherman Bill Rendition by Harm Cannon (SteeScribbles)

Origin Entry: Brotherman Bill


7 years ago, I made an attempt at an "8 bit" version of the song, and it was bad, and noisy and loud.
It received a large amount of attention though (around 30k views), even featuring on KnowYourMeme. Even TerribleTim himself responded to the track. It was a nice feeling to make something that got seen.
I recently learned that TerribleTim passed away back in February from a heart attack, so I started working on something as a tribute to the earworm known as "Brotherman Bill". And that gave birth to a Harm Cannon rendition of Brotherman Bill which I enjoyed composing with everything I've learned about composition in the past 7 years as a throwback. I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved making it!


(reuploaded due to rendering issues in previous video)A rendition of one of TerribleTim's finest earworms. May he rest in peace.➔DOWNLOAD: https://harmcannon…

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