0 Views Created about a month ago By SCPvZHiro • Updated about a month ago

Created By SCPvZHiro • Updated about a month ago

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Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia is Unforgivably Awful


Hey guys! This is another video I anticipated on getting out, but better late than never. I'm sorry it took this long because my current PC is messed up. If you didn't know, Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia is the latest soft-launch for the third tower defense game. In short, it's not very good and I hated it. This game mainly feels like it was developed by people who have no idea what PvZ is or have ever played the games. This is my review of the latest soft-launch based on how far I've gotten as well as some drama that EA and PopCap got into with a fan-project. Let me know what you think as any feedback is appreciated.

0:00 Basically us to PopCap and EA
0:15 Intro
2:19 Overview of PvZ3
3:35 The Bad
11:17 Plants vs. Zombies 3: What Could Have Been Situation
12:32 The Good
14:50 How can PopCap Improve the Game?
16:40 Why I Stopped Playing
17:06 Final Verdict & Conclusion

Gameplay Footage From: Plants vs. Zombies 2 Chinese Version

Twitter (Something I barely use): https://x.com/SCPvZHiro

Uploaded by SCPvZHiro (On YouTube)
6 July, 2024


Hey guys! This is another video I anticipated on getting out, but better late than never. I'm sorry it took this long because my current PC is messed up. If you didn't know, Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia is the latest soft-launch for the third tower defense game.

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