737 Views • Created December 22, 2012 By scishow • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By scishow • Updated March 23, 2023
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Science and Gun Violence
Origin Entry:
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Hank from SciShow looks for some things science can add to the conversation about guns and gun violence in the wake of the tragedy last week in Newtown, Connecticut.
Our deepest sympathies are with the community of Sandy Hook, and with anyone whose life has been impacted by gun violence. Apologies to Newtown for mispronouncing the name of your town.
Hank looks for some things science can add to the conversation about guns and gun violence in the wake of the tragedy last week in Newtown, Connecticut. Our deepest sympathies are with the community of Sandy Hook, and with anyone whose life has been impacted by gun violence.
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