3453 Views Created March 18, 2013 By Kenna W • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Kenna W • Updated March 23, 2023

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Zelda Starring Zelda

Origin Entry: Anita Sarkeesian


"As Feminist's Frequency's Anita Sarkeesian points out, even when Princess Zelda gets the chance to help Link in his quest or even join his as a capable, butt-kicking sidekick, she resumes her role as damsel in distress as soon as she's back in her tiara.

It was Feminist Frequency's examination of the tired trope that helped inspire one gamer to turn the tables on gender in video games.

Blogger and hobbyist animator Kenna W. hacked the original "Legend of Zelda" and to make Princess Zelda the hero and Link the imprisoned damsel. You can watch a play-through of the modded game above."

From The Huffington Post.


Legend of Zelda for the NES with some home-made Zelda sprites instead of Link. These are highlights from a quick play-through on god mode (all cheats on) to make sure all of the sprites landed in the right spot. This video has the entire ending and some minor game-play spoilers.

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