57 Views Created April 11, 2013 By skyandroians • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By skyandroians • Updated March 23, 2023

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Stop motion animation using 500 smartphones

Origin Entry: Extreme Advertising


They made a city with hundreds of Vega Number 6 Smart mobile phones to create a paper stop motion video.

500 Smart mobile phones were used
1800 individual photos and 1600 paper characters are used for Stop motion
3 Weeks of Pre Production
7 Days of Stop motion Shooting


베가 . We made Vega City with hundreds of Vega Number 6 Smart mobile phones to create a paper stop motion video. 500 Smart mobile phones were used 1800 individual photos and 1600 paper characters are used for Stop motion 3 Weeks of Pre Production 7 Days of Stop motion Shooting PANTECH VEGA N'6 website : http://www.ivega.co.kr/prt/productInfo.do?intprdseq=1354 베가 넘버 6 수백대로 베가 시티를 제작해 완성한 페이퍼 스톱모션 영상.

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