50 Views • Created 11 years ago By NMAWorldEdition • Updated about a year ago Share →
Created By NMAWorldEdition • Updated about a year ago
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Why are New York police always on their phones?
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I'm in That Weird Part of YouTube
SUBSCRIBE to Next Media Animation: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=NMAWorldEdition In New York, cops are given radios to do their jobs. So why are so many cops always on their phones? Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NMAtv Webpage: http://www.nma.tv/ Twitter @nmatv: https://twitter.com/#!/nmatv Tumblr: http://nmatv.tumblr.com/ We sent our cameramen to get footage of police officers using their phones and used our powerful phone signal animation technology to animate the contents of their conversations.
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