0 Views Created February 07, 2014 By Suraj Dighe • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Suraj Dighe • Updated March 23, 2023

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Origin Entry: Stop Motion


Hi Folks,
Well this is a small attempt to showcase our stop motion animation..the concept being "Birds of the same feather at times do flock together"
I happened to make the 3 characters,and then Suraj came up with the concept of stop motion..and give the characters life.We then started off shooting a few clips for practice..and then moved on to the final clips!! Materials used for the characters are :"Flipper" – Egg for the body,paper for wings and legs, thermocol balls for the eyes and paints,
"Cera"- plastic bottle ,walnut for the beak,buttons for the eyes,paper for wings and legs,"Jojo"- Plastic bottle for the body, paper for beak,wings,legs.
Camera :Shot with Nikon D5100
*The Frames per animation is 300 approx.
*Character models done by :Neha Jayarajan
*Animation done by : Suraj Dighe,Neha Jayarajan
*Editing and Sound done by : Suraj Dighe
We have had a lot of fun and learn't quite a few things during the whole shooting..Please sit back and enjoy these clips, and we would love to have your feedback's!!
P.S. This is just for practice and has not been used for any commercial purposes.


Hi Folks, Well this is a small attempt to showcase our stop motion animation..the concept being "Birds of the same feather at times do flock together" I happened to make the 3 characters,and then Suraj came up with the concept of stop motion..and give the characters life.We then started off shooting a few clips for practice..and then moved on to the final clips!!

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