4354 Views Created 10 years ago By The New York Times • Updated about a year ago

Created By The New York Times • Updated about a year ago

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The Incredible Physics of Ants | ScienceTake |The New York Times



"Aside from being one of the most annoying and infuriating creatures on the planet, fire ants can be pretty cool. They have incredible strength and move very cohesively as a group, which has garnered recent attention from physicists.

"A group from the Georgia Institute of Technology put together a video presentation for last month’s American Physical Society meeting. In it, groups of fire ants were shown to be able to flow through a funnel like a thick, syrupy liquid. They were also able to be pressed down and rebound like a rubbery solid.

"More than just a parlor trick, studying how the ants move within the group could help the field of robotics by allowing small pieces to self-assemble into larger structures. Because a disturbed group of ants can also quickly return to their position, they could also influence the next generation of self-healing materials."


Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n ScienceTake: They can flow like a liquid and bounce back like a solid. Masses of fire ants show a duality that intrigues physicists. Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1i1XkfJ Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video ------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times?

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