834 Views Created July 01, 2014 By Jonathan Mann • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Jonathan Mann • Updated March 23, 2023

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♫ Ginsburg's Hobby Lobby Dissent | Song A Day #2007


Religious organizations exist
To foster the interests
Of persons subscribing to the same religious faith
Not so of for-profit corporations
Workers who sustain the operations
commonly are not drawn from one religious community

It bears note that the cost of an IUD
Is nearly equivalent
To a months full time pay
For workers on the minimum wage

The court I fear
Has ventured into a minefield
Slut shaming geezers
And religious extremism
One thing's clear
This fight isn't over
We gotta stand together
For what we know is right

Any decision to use contraceptives
Is not propelled by government
It's the woman's autonomous choice, informed by her doctor
Approving some religious claims
While deeming others unworthy
Could be perceived as favoring one religion over another

Would the exemption extend to blood transfusions
Antidepressasnts and anesthesia
Pills coated with gelatin and vaccinations?

The court I fear
Has ventured into a minefield
Slut shaming geezers
And religious extremism
One thing's clear
This fight isn't over
We gotta stand together
For what we know is right


Download my EP: http://archive.hellomann.com/album/every-day Download this track: http://jonathanmann.bandcamp.com/track/slut-shaming-geezers-ginsburgs-dissent Hire me: http://songsincorporated.com Thanks to Mother Jones for highlighting the passages: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/06/best-lines-hobby-lobby-decision Find me on the twitter: http://twitter.com/songadaymann

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