22711 Views • Created July 09, 2014 By Dorothy Oh • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Dorothy Oh • Updated March 23, 2023
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Top 10 Kama Sutra Sex Position
Origin Entry:
The Kamasutra is the bible of sex positions. Here you will find out the top most sex positions that will spice up your life!
1. The erotic V
2. Horse sex position
3. The Glowing Triangle Position
4. The X------ sex position
5. The Nirvana
6. The padlock
7. The Slide Position
8. The Ape position
9. The Butterfly sex position
10. The Ascent to Desire
The Kamasutra is the bible of sex positions. Let us find out the top most sex positions that will spice up your life! 1. The erotic V: This position demands certain acrobatic capacities! The woman sits down on a table edge. The man stands before it and bends his legs so he's in the best "entering" position.
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