252 Views • Created July 18, 2014 By Real Human Bean • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Real Human Bean • Updated March 23, 2023
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Hitler of /tv/ Watches TDKR And Dies of Baneposting
Origin Entry:
In an alternate history, Berlin, the capitol of /tv/, celebrates on their day of reckoning. It's leader Mod, Adolph Hitler, watches the long anticipated film The Dark Knight Rises, unknowingly creating an unstoppable force that will destroy all of Berlin, and eventually consume all of 4chan.
In an alternate history, Berlin, the capitol of /tv/, celebrates on their day of reckoning. It's leader Mod, Adolph Hitler, watches the long anticipated film The Dark Knight Rises, unknowingly creating an unstoppable force that will destroy all of Berlin, and eventually consume all of 4chan.
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