51 Views • Created July 24, 2014 By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Female Objectification in Video Games? Anita Sarkeesian Vs. Gamers
Published on Jun 5, 2013
There is a glaring deficiency of strong female characters in the video game medium, what with most representatives of said gender falling into one of two groups: 1) one-dimensional sex doll-like eye candy created solely to pander to the narrow-minded frat boy demographic (as seen in most Action and Fighting Games) or 2) expendable background characters with whom the player can enter into a romantic relationship and ultimately bed in a quick soft-core PG-13-esque cut scene as an optional side-mission of sorts (as seen in most Western RPGs).
We at Cheshire Cat Studios recognize this as an important issue that needs to be dealt with and would love to see more well-written and versatile characters of BOTH genders populating the video game medium in the future. HAVING SAID THAT, we wouldn't have been ourselves had we decided to remain silent when certain 'activists' unabashedly exploit the aforementioned issue to pursue their own twisted agendas and become filthy rich.
We begin by expressing our discontent with Anita Sarkeesian's misguided gender war and then move on to discuss the duplicity of the feminist movement when it comes to reshaping the game industry, the overt hostility towards female player characters from game publishers, and even 'real-life' gender politics in the context of video games (i.e., is it possible for a player to fully immerse themselves in the game if they're playing as the opposite sex?).
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There is a glaring deficiency of strong female characters in the video game medium, what with most representatives of said gender falling into one of two groups: 1) one-dimensional sex doll-like eye candy created solely to pander to the narrow-minded frat boy demographic (as seen in most Action and Fighting Games) or 2) expendable background characters with whom the player can enter into a romantic relationship and ultimately bed in a quick soft-core PG-13-esque cut scene as an optional side-mission of sorts (as seen in most Western RPGs).
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