112 Views Created August 04, 2014 By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Cheshire Cat Studios • Updated March 23, 2023

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Female Thor (Thor Girl): Don't Believe The Hype | Beyond Pictures

Origin Entry: Thor


Published on Aug 4, 2014

Female Thor (Thor Girl): Don't Believe The Hype | Beyond Pictures

B-Mask's Twitter: https://twitter.com/B_Mask_

Marvel’s Thor is now female in a swift marketing move. And naturally, the news has leapt on the headline. But with Thor the Dark World through theatre’s and Guardians of the Galaxy eclipsing most Marvel news, does this actually change anything? B-mask quickly examines change in comic books and whether or not it actually amounts to anything.

Last month, Marvel Comics made headlines with their "shocking" announcement that legendary comic book hero Thor will now be a woman. Well, not really. Because the original Thor is still around, and it's actually kind of confusing when you think about it. But! This didn't stop certain news sources describing such a change of the status quo as "earth-shattering" and even going as far as proclaiming that Marvel is entering a bold new era free prejudice and underrepresentation. Basically: "Misogyny cured!"

But is that really the case? B-Mask of Cheshire Cat Studios takes an objective look at the matter and expounds why this isn't really anything we haven't seen the company do before. Multiple times, in fact. As the title of this video suggests, don't believe the hype, kids!

InvertedMind's DA Page


Female Thor (Thor Girl): Don't Believe The Hype | Beyond Pictures B-Mask's Twitter: https://twitter.com/B_Mask_ Marvel's Thor is now female in a swift marketing move. And naturally, the news has leapt on the headline. But with Thor the Dark World through theatre's and Guardians of the Galaxy eclipsing most Marvel news, does this actually change anything?

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