37 Views Created 10 years ago By JesseMeza07 • Updated about a year ago

Created By JesseMeza07 • Updated about a year ago

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Mega Man & Friends Preview!

Origin Entry: Mega Man / Rockman


Published on Aug 16, 2013

Hey guys! What I miss?

That's right I, your great and fearless leader, have returned after my totally-pre-planned-it-was-on-the-calend­ar vacation! (Which we will never discuss again) While I was gone my creative juices began oozing out of my pores once again. Today I bring you an exclusive sneak peak of my new animated series, Mega Man & Friends!

Production has already begun on the first few episodes, but I can't possibly do this alone! I'm asking you, my fans, (or what's left of you anyway. Has it really been 3 years? Damn) to lend me your talents! Or rather, your voices. Yup, I'll need some handy dandy voice actors to fill the mouths of these characters! So here's what you gotta do. Choose a character from the following list and record the sample dialogue. That's it! No entry fee required!

Here's a list of the main characters:
Dr. Light: My name is Dr. Thomas Light. I created you.
Dr. Wily: It is I, Dr. Wily, who will erase you! (evil laugh)
Roll: Roll here, at your service!
Proto Man*: Whether you like it or not, you'll need my help.
Rush*: Oh no! Mega Man is in trouble again!
The Robot Masters*: Target acquired. Initiating battle mode.
*May not appear in first episode.

If any of these characters interest you, send me a PM with the subject [CHARACTER] Audition. Include your sample file and the name you'd like to be credited with if chosen. You'll be notified by me if you got the part.

To stay up to date with the progress of upcoming episodes, please subscribe to my channel or like our official Facebook page! There will be constant updates throughout production, and lots of fun surprises along the way!


Thank you everyone and it's good to be back!


Hey guys! What I miss? That's right I, your great and fearless leader, have returned after my totally-pre-planned-it-was-on-the-calendar vacation! (Which we will never discuss again) While I was gone my creative juices began oozing out of my pores once again. Today I bring you an exclusive sneak peak of my new animated series, Mega Man & Friends!

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