2786 Views • Created September 15th, 2014 by DouchebagChocolat • Updated March 23rd, 2023 Share →
Created September 15th, 2014 by DouchebagChocolat • Updated March 23rd, 2023
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mugi why

Origin Entry:
why mugi more bad voice acting with a $20 walmart mic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nTNWk152xs Gangsta Yui was voiced by me, DEMOLITION D+, while Gump Azusa was actually voiced by me as well, but alternatively Jew Ritsu was voiced by myself, and because we were short on staff Mugi was voiced by me too, and then I decided it'd be best if I voiced Mio just to avoid confusion, and at the end of the day it was a group decision to guest star me as Nodoka.
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