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Orange Transparent Chainsaw

Added by Troll Face, Anti-Brony! • Updated 5 months ago by Rose Abrams
Added by Troll Face, Anti-Brony! • Updated 5 months ago by Rose Abrams

Orange Transparent Chainsaw
Orange Transparent Chainsaw

Category: Meme Status: submission Origin: 4chan Region:
Tags: 4chan lego

Additional References: Encyclopedia Dramatica


ORANGE TRANSPARENT CHAINSAW is a meme sprouted on 4chan. It was based off of a lego set with a mini-figure holding an orange transparent chainsaw, just like the name implies. Although this meme was not very popular, It was made notable when it was featured on ED. One variation exists.


The original picture comes from the box of the LEGO series Ice Planet 2002, first introduced on 1993.[1] In the box, the character Commander Cold is shown holding an orange chainsaw (shown below). Although this is not completely confirmed, it seems to be related to and most likely have originated from the miniatures wargaming system "Brikwars"[1].



Having originated on 4chan, it is most commonly seen there.[2] Even on 4chan however, it does not appear especially frequently, and thus it is even rarer elsewhere; it has a Facebook page[3], but it only has 400 likes, and the tumblr tag[4] contains a total of 20 posts.

External References

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