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What Would I Say?

Added by Don • Updated about a year ago by Don
Added by Don • Updated about a year ago by Don

What Would I Say?
What Would I Say?

Category: Site Status: submission Year: 2013 Origin: App Spot Region:
Tags: status facebook bot app program application algorithm


What Would I Say? is a web application that can generate uniquely personalized sentences based on each user's personal records of status updates on Facebook.


The application “What Would I Say?” was developed by Princeton graduates Pawel Przytycki, Ugne Klibaite, Vicky Yao, Daniel Jiang, Edward Young, Harvey Cheng and Alex Furger over the course of 72 hours during the annual HackPrinceton[4] Hackathon in early November 2013. The app, which can generate personalized sentences by running each user's history of Facebook status updates through a series of Markov algorithms[3], was subsequently released via Google's App Spot.[1]


Online Presence

On November 12th, the application moved to the domain[2] The same day, several news sites published articles about the web app, including Gawker,[7] Slate,[8] Business Insider,[9] One the Media,[10] The Huffington Post,[11] BuzzFeed,[12] International Business Times[13] and The New Yorker.[5] Also on November 12th, Redditor bigbluegrass submitted a link to the site to the /r/InternetIsBeautiful[6] subreddit, where others submitted examples of generated status updates in the comment section. On the following day, the keyphrase “what would I say” was listed as the most searched query of the day on Google Trends “Hot Search” index (shown below) and the site was shared over 1.2 million times according to the Facebook Graph API.[14]

Hot Searches Wednesday, November 13, 2013 What would I say Like KE100,000+ searches What would I say?: The App that generates Facebook statuses so you don't have to The Independent "What would I say? What would I say?" is the brainchild of a team of techies who got together for th.. The Independent

Search Interest

External References

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