Vince Shlomi (ShamWow, Slap Chop) - Videos + Schticky commercial [OFFICIAL] Schticky commercial [OFFICIAL] TF2 Scout advertises the Slap Chop TF2 Scout advertises the Slap Chop TF2 Scout advertises the ShamWow! TF2 Scout advertises the ShamWow! Youtube Poop: Vince Schticks it to the man [OFFICIAL] schticky vince offer Youtube Poop: Vince Schticks it to the man [OFFICIAL] Schticky Gag Reel [OFFICIAL] Schticky Gag Reel [OFFICIAL] Slap Chop (Spanish) Mira Mi Huevo! Slap Chop (Spanish) Mira Mi Huevo! ShamWow Guy in Jail shamwow parody jail vince shlomi ShamWow Guy in Jail Shamwow Dub Parody - Scamnow shamwow parody vince shlomi Shamwow Dub Parody - Scamnow InAPPropriate Comedy - Official Green Band Trailer InAPPropriate Comedy - Official Green Band Trailer DJ Steve Porter featuring Vince Offer - "Slap Chop Rap" DJ Steve Porter featuring Vince Offer - "Slap Chop Rap" Today's Top Video Galleries Pop Cat My Little Pony Rachel Chaleff Yes - Roundabout