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What Is OP?

Added by レインボウ ダシュ • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet
Added by レインボウ ダシュ • Updated about a year ago by shevyrolet

What Is OP?
What Is OP?

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2011 Origin: 4chan Region:
Tags: 4chan chat roulette omegle troll


"What Is OP?" is game where user shoots zombies while searching for team mates to gain bullets.


It was started on /b/ when an user posted the rules for the game. Since then. Omegle's chat rooms are filled with people asking "What Is OP?"


The game's rules is basically.

Player starts with 6 bullets.

1.Go to Omegle
2.Type "What Is OP?"
3.If you get "Faggot" as a reply. that means you meet a friend. both people get bullets.
4.If you get other replies that means you meet a panicked citizen
5.If you get "ASL" as a reply that means you meet a zombie. lose 1 bullet.

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