15 Cringeworthy 'Internet Tough Guys' That Aren't Tough Whatsoever - Related Memes - [Tough Guy Finger Snapping] west side story closed caption caption finger snapping image macro tough guy finger snapping [Tough Guy Finger Snapping] Cringe awkward slang embarrassing cringe killermovies absynth808 drumcowski bathtubzombie mrgrock illskillz1 Cringe Tough Spongebob / I Only Cried For 20 Minutes catchphrase spongebob advice animal i only cried for 20 minutes i'll have you know Tough Spongebob / I Only Cried For 20 Minutes Internet Tough Guy argument label internet reference pejorative Internet Tough Guy Chad alpha beta sociology r9k 4chan chad thundercock oogahboogah invicticide ian_n jayester chad slang alek minassian elliot rodger Chad Reddit internet humor site social news blackout ellen k. pao bernie sanders circlejerk atheism liberal upvote upvotes downvote downvotes ellen pao the internet from where do memes come from source of meme internet culture interwebs steve huffma Reddit FAIL / Epic Fail catchphrase image macro failures classics epic fail critical fail fail! fail at life you fail fail compilation old school meme FAIL / Epic Fail 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,794 Memes 32,366 People 2,622 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,947