1998 Eye Chart - Images
Sanitation Worker Type Beat

1998 Eye Chart
Me Hunting Down the Last T50 Swarthoid Italophobe

1998 Eye Chart
Dis One

1998 Eye Chart
"Which One Are You? Mine's Like a T30"

1998 Eye Chart
The eye caste system (Post)
![View Same ampers, tir 463KiB, 1081x618, eyeclass2.png SauceNAO Google iqdb s Trace ↓ The eye caste system [114 / 32 / 77] Anonymous ID: oa Cg88JW Sat 15 Jun 2019 23:14:25 No.216442946 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>216443137 >>216443784 >>216444595 >>216445567 >>216445689 >>216446855 >>216447305 >>216447441 >>216447872 >>216447957 >>216448127 >>216448268 >>216448469 >>216448488 >>216448512 >>216448516 >>216448720 >>216449162 >>216449194 >>216449646 >>216449979 >>216450120 >>216450348 >>216450978 >>216451050 >>216451218 >>216451310 >>216451409 >>216451649 >>216451702 >>216452387 >>216452542 >>216454689 >>216454694 >>216455772 >>216455835 >>216456626 >>216457216 >>216458619 So /pol/, were you born to be a leader or a peasant? This shows the undeniable truth](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/394/798/24a.jpg)
![View Same ampers, tir 463KiB, 1081x618, eyeclass2.png SauceNAO Google iqdb s Trace ↓ The eye caste system [114 / 32 / 77] Anonymous ID: oa Cg88JW Sat 15 Jun 2019 23:14:25 No.216442946 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>216443137 >>216443784 >>216444595 >>216445567 >>216445689 >>216446855 >>216447305 >>216447441 >>216447872 >>216447957 >>216448127 >>216448268 >>216448469 >>216448488 >>216448512 >>216448516 >>216448720 >>216449162 >>216449194 >>216449646 >>216449979 >>216450120 >>216450348 >>216450978 >>216451050 >>216451218 >>216451310 >>216451409 >>216451649 >>216451702 >>216452387 >>216452542 >>216454689 >>216454694 >>216455772 >>216455835 >>216456626 >>216457216 >>216458619 So /pol/, were you born to be a leader or a peasant? This shows the undeniable truth](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/394/798/24a.jpg)
1998 Eye Chart
The Eye Caste System

1998 Eye Chart
1998 Eye Chart

1998 Eye Chart
1998 Eye Chart Clippings
1998 Eye Chart