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1998 Eye Chart is an eye color diagram from a 1998 doll catalog in which eye colors ranging from light blue to dark brown are assigned individual designations from A10 to T50. In June 2019, a 4chan user created a pseudoscientific "eye caste system" based on the chart, which went viral on iFunny in February 2021 where it inspired memes and parodies. The format is also known as Men Destined to Define Eras. Memes made about the eye chart are akin to both earnest and ironic Lookism and Looksmaxxing discourse.


The eye chart originates from a 1998 order catalog[14] for My Twinn dolls and was used for picking the doll's desired eye color, with various colors ranging from light blue to dark brown given designations from "A10" to "T50."

Fall 1996, from Connie Marshall My Twinn Personal Profile Order Form Child's Name ( Nay lan 3. Eye Color: Carle doses o coler 4. Eyelash Color: 5. Eyebrows Chancene from mackcargary 1. Face Shape: My Twinn huwa wale sange of child face shapes on which our arms select the mench which best resenkes your daughter bed on her age and photos. It is important to lose 1-2 men cal ander school codes photo) which we will use to aclect a face shape, hur style and overall look Dent worry about fing the perfect photographs Weite childs full name on back of each photo. Doct sendiplacable pos occasionally one is misplaced in the case of vintage photographs, we recommend a good placopy Childs Ap (ecommended child's age in photo is 3-12 years) 2. Skin Tone: Cicle 420 Thickness: Shape: 6. Hair Color: (See hair chart above) 8. Hair Style Check box k of wintions apply Check box le of contala Onchair sample of haat podle 7. Hair: Check bolt of "La selection and cicle he "Legh" choice Check besick of selection Color: A10 Cut: Length: Ear lengh D30 Bangs □swapk Way Curly 9. Birthmarks/Moles/Freckles Linga po please mark when your deshald have chin ©1990 My Twinn 4 Cols Under A40 A20 Blonde Pale Blonde Aulon The Straigh D40 Auburn Avb Cominus Patents Pending All one length A50 Tair Layem Nav Style A30 We look forward to creating a beautify one-of-a-kind My Twinn dell for you. Please complete and return this Personal Profile Order Form as soon as possible, along with 1-2 repeative photos (please include a front face picture), and your My Twinn doll will be on its way in approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on demand. Thank you. (Only one doll order per Profile plese, however photocopies are acceptable) L L Phone ( CIO D50 C20 Honde GB Moderate Ger Tapered Ch lengla Golden Brown Birthdate Bone gh Serde waha base Winy (pen) Die slight anch A40 (20 D60 Ash Bloode Goblen Full Loese our allow Tyts all over depindhak tak cukup Pale Blonde Ash Honde Gold Brew Layered length Ginger Boown Dark Brown A50 Expanded view of Fall 1996 eye colors, from same form as above (Connie Marshall) 3. Eye Color: Circle closest eye color DHE T10 Cak Blonde ght Brown Arched ). Dek Hond Light Bowe Cleatseeld unde Ler Deake Mode hud. C10 D50 A Expanded view of 1996 Hair Colors, from same form as above (Connie Marshall) Hair Chart Mark selection on Personal Profile Order Form below If possible, please send a hair sample. Be sure it represents child overall hair color Ded T20 C20 Blonde #Photo(s) Enclosed Sny Bunde Brown Tw Golden Brown Tio sewherry kede Other Deat Mid Chil 720 D10 130 T30 Dark Brown 740 Child L Lawa back D20 130 Continued en reverse side T40 Tack Ash Blonde Light Ben D30 150

Prior to December 22nd, 2016, an unknown user posted a photograph of two clippings containing images of 26 iris options (image shown below, left).[1][2] Later, an unknown user posted a rearranged version of the same image with the colors aligned by shade (shown below, right).

1998 EYE COLORS 3. Eye Color: Circle the eye color that is the closest match. D30 D34 A10 ww A20 A30 Fight prom D37 A17 D40 D50 D60 A40 A60 40 Beatly T07 T10 A50 C20 DIOWIE T15 T17 C30 C40 ALP Valen ZMA T20 D10 DAIN DIOWIE T30 D20 T40 T50
1998 eye chart Eye Color: Circle the eye color that is the closest match. A10 A20 D10 D20 T07 T10 610 30 A17 A30 D30 D34 T15 T17 20 A40 A60 D37 D40 T20 T30 A50 C20 D50 D60 Pring T40 T50 Sarthy C30 C40 MIM

Prior to becoming a meme, the image was shared online akin to a quiz, with users tagging themselves and asking others to reply with the code corresponding to their eye color. For example, on December 22nd, 2016, iFunny[1] user Mrs_Matthews_4102020 shared the image, with the post gaining 13 smiles and 30 replies in six and a half years. On January 10th, 2017, Facebook[3] page Acidmath posted the image, with the post accumulating over 4,500 likes and 106,000 shares in five years. On March 13th, 2018, an unknown Redditor posted the image to the /r/interestingasfuck[4] subreddit, where it gained over 2,800 upvotes in four years.

On June 15th, 2019, an anonymous 4chan[5] user posted an edited version of the chart in a /pol/ thread titled "The eye caste system." In the edit, the user distributed the iris colors by tiers, describing A10, the lightest color of blue, as "Men destined to define eras and change history" and T50, the darkest shade of brown, as "Untouchable – sanitation workers, street sweepers" (image shown below). The thread received over 110 replies in three years.

T50 T40 T50 D37 T30 T50 D30 D50 T30 A17 T50 C40 D40 A30 T40 A40 T50 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 T50 Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come D34 T15 A50 D10 T40 T50 Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors C20 D20 T20 T30 T50 Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals D60 T10 T40 T50 Officers, Officials, Diplomats T17 T30 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen T50 T40 T50 Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers


In the following years, both the original image and the edit were reposted in /pol/ multiple times, with users asking others to report their iris shade.[6][7]

The chart did not achieve viral spread until February 2021, an unknown iFunny user posted the image to the app in a now-deleted post. Starting in late February, iFunny users started posting memes referencing the chart. For example, on February 18th, 2021, iFunny[8] user FartRightRetard posted the earliest meme referencing the image, with the GIF caption gaining over 50 smiles in one year (shown below, left). On March 5th, 2021, iFunny[9] user Muthsera posted a Jarvis Commands meme referencing the chart that received over 340 smiles in one year (shown below, center). On March 12th, iFunny[10] user Roaner posted a Take It Easy, Globehead meme that garnered over 1,100 smiles in one year (shown below, right).

Jarvis calculate canthal tilt, cross reference with eye color chart and determine PSLI rating. Reply "T50 swarthoid detected" under post.
TAKE IT EASY A10 T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers THEY'RE JUST Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come MEMES

The meme maintained prevalence on the app during spring and summer 2021 as users rated various characters based on it and made memes about people whose iris colors matched various examples on the chart, primarily A10 and T50 irises (examples shown below, left and center). Additionally, the chart has been parodied as users replaced original comments with their versions. For example, on July 12th, 2021, iFunny[11] user paintedhen posted a meme that gained over 530 smiles in one year (shown below, right).

T40 T50 T50 D37 T30 D30 D50 T30 A17 C40 D40 A40 A30 T40 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 D34 T15 Drunk drivers A50 DIO T40 nicotine addicts, meth heads C20 D20 T20 T30 Alcoholics, T50 T50 T50 T50 T50 T50 Convicted rapists, D60 TIO T40 T50 arsonists, shoplifters Gamers, steroid- users, people who drink on weekdays T17 T30 Your mom T40 Left-handed people T50 T50 T50 Redditors, untouchables, marvel movie fans

Starting in June 2021, the format received another development as iFunny users kept the original comments, replacing the eye chart itself with other charts instead. For example, on July 24th, 2021, iFunny[12] user LordExor posted a height chart meme that gained over 420 smiles in one year (shown below, left). On June 18th, 2022, iFunny[13] user SnakeBaked posted a chart with various energy trinks that gained over 1,300 smiles in ten days (shown below, right).

Height (Feet) 5'8 change history, who will be 5'7 5'6 Men destined to define eras and ≤ 5'5 5'9-5'10 5'11 remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- 6'0+ Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers
Red Bul ENERG Berry 5-hour ENERGY EXTRA STRENGTH indi bang F FUNC ONST BLUE EDITION ENERGY DRINK MONARCH GFUEL ENERGY FORMULA JUICED MONSTER NERGY 40 MEAN BEAK JAVA MONSTER TREE-CHERS" Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors A CREAT Red Bul Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals SUGARE CALORIESHELND SISA 1 XT7 Officers, Officials, Diplomats MONSTER MONSTER ENERGY ZERO ULTRA ENERG AA AMING REIGN TOTAL BOST 25% 200 AR SUPER CREATINE BUBBLEBU ENERGY CMPLX6 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, bang bang bang bang bang Street Sweepers RAINBOW BLUE RAZZ BIRTHDAY BACK CAVAR CAKE BASH NATURAL PLA

Various Examples

A blond hair blue eyed hyperborean A10 reading the ifunny eye chart
(Time since Philosophers, Kings, last 5+YEARS Explorers, and Inventors shower) Men destined to define eras and NEVER change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Influential Artists, 1YEAR Writers, and Generals HALF A YEAR Officers, Officials, Diplomats 3 MONTHS Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, 2 WEEKS Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- 1DAY Sanitation Workers, Stre Swee
T50 T40 T50 D37 T30 T50 D30 D50 T30 A17 T50 C40 ᎠᏎ0 . A30 T40 A40 T50 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 T50 Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come D34 T15 A50 D10 T40 T50 Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors C20 D20 T20 T30 T50 Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals D60 T10 T40 T50 Officers, Officials, Diplomats T17 T30 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen € T50 & T40 T50 Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers

ΠΙΑ IVA VA ΠΙΑ III vertex onon VII VA VA Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millennia to come IVA ΠΙΑ Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals IIA IV Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers
Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers
T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers MOVIECLIPS Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Meem0.if A10


Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers

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1998 Eye Chart meme format and diagram depicting various eye colors and their supposed titles or statuses next to each.

1998 Eye Chart

Part of a series on Lookism. [View Related Entries]
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1998 Eye Chart is an eye color diagram from a 1998 doll catalog in which eye colors ranging from light blue to dark brown are assigned individual designations from A10 to T50. In June 2019, a 4chan user created a pseudoscientific "eye caste system" based on the chart, which went viral on iFunny in February 2021 where it inspired memes and parodies. The format is also known as Men Destined to Define Eras. Memes made about the eye chart are akin to both earnest and ironic Lookism and Looksmaxxing discourse.


The eye chart originates from a 1998 order catalog[14] for My Twinn dolls and was used for picking the doll's desired eye color, with various colors ranging from light blue to dark brown given designations from "A10" to "T50."

Fall 1996, from Connie Marshall My Twinn Personal Profile Order Form Child's Name ( Nay lan 3. Eye Color: Carle doses o coler 4. Eyelash Color: 5. Eyebrows Chancene from mackcargary 1. Face Shape: My Twinn huwa wale sange of child face shapes on which our arms select the mench which best resenkes your daughter bed on her age and photos. It is important to lose 1-2 men cal ander school codes photo) which we will use to aclect a face shape, hur style and overall look Dent worry about fing the perfect photographs Weite childs full name on back of each photo. Doct sendiplacable pos occasionally one is misplaced in the case of vintage photographs, we recommend a good placopy Childs Ap (ecommended child's age in photo is 3-12 years) 2. Skin Tone: Cicle 420 Thickness: Shape: 6. Hair Color: (See hair chart above) 8. Hair Style Check box k of wintions apply Check box le of contala Onchair sample of haat podle 7. Hair: Check bolt of "La selection and cicle he "Legh" choice Check besick of selection Color: A10 Cut: Length: Ear lengh D30 Bangs □swapk Way Curly 9. Birthmarks/Moles/Freckles Linga po please mark when your deshald have chin ©1990 My Twinn 4 Cols Under A40 A20 Blonde Pale Blonde Aulon The Straigh D40 Auburn Avb Cominus Patents Pending All one length A50 Tair Layem Nav Style A30 We look forward to creating a beautify one-of-a-kind My Twinn dell for you. Please complete and return this Personal Profile Order Form as soon as possible, along with 1-2 repeative photos (please include a front face picture), and your My Twinn doll will be on its way in approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on demand. Thank you. (Only one doll order per Profile plese, however photocopies are acceptable) L L Phone ( CIO D50 C20 Honde GB Moderate Ger Tapered Ch lengla Golden Brown Birthdate Bone gh Serde waha base Winy (pen) Die slight anch A40 (20 D60 Ash Bloode Goblen Full Loese our allow Tyts all over depindhak tak cukup Pale Blonde Ash Honde Gold Brew Layered length Ginger Boown Dark Brown A50 Expanded view of Fall 1996 eye colors, from same form as above (Connie Marshall) 3. Eye Color: Circle closest eye color DHE T10 Cak Blonde ght Brown Arched ). Dek Hond Light Bowe Cleatseeld unde Ler Deake Mode hud. C10 D50 A Expanded view of 1996 Hair Colors, from same form as above (Connie Marshall) Hair Chart Mark selection on Personal Profile Order Form below If possible, please send a hair sample. Be sure it represents child overall hair color Ded T20 C20 Blonde #Photo(s) Enclosed Sny Bunde Brown Tw Golden Brown Tio sewherry kede Other Deat Mid Chil 720 D10 130 T30 Dark Brown 740 Child L Lawa back D20 130 Continued en reverse side T40 Tack Ash Blonde Light Ben D30 150

Prior to December 22nd, 2016, an unknown user posted a photograph of two clippings containing images of 26 iris options (image shown below, left).[1][2] Later, an unknown user posted a rearranged version of the same image with the colors aligned by shade (shown below, right).

1998 EYE COLORS 3. Eye Color: Circle the eye color that is the closest match. D30 D34 A10 ww A20 A30 Fight prom D37 A17 D40 D50 D60 A40 A60 40 Beatly T07 T10 A50 C20 DIOWIE T15 T17 C30 C40 ALP Valen ZMA T20 D10 DAIN DIOWIE T30 D20 T40 T50 1998 eye chart Eye Color: Circle the eye color that is the closest match. A10 A20 D10 D20 T07 T10 610 30 A17 A30 D30 D34 T15 T17 20 A40 A60 D37 D40 T20 T30 A50 C20 D50 D60 Pring T40 T50 Sarthy C30 C40 MIM

Prior to becoming a meme, the image was shared online akin to a quiz, with users tagging themselves and asking others to reply with the code corresponding to their eye color. For example, on December 22nd, 2016, iFunny[1] user Mrs_Matthews_4102020 shared the image, with the post gaining 13 smiles and 30 replies in six and a half years. On January 10th, 2017, Facebook[3] page Acidmath posted the image, with the post accumulating over 4,500 likes and 106,000 shares in five years. On March 13th, 2018, an unknown Redditor posted the image to the /r/interestingasfuck[4] subreddit, where it gained over 2,800 upvotes in four years.

On June 15th, 2019, an anonymous 4chan[5] user posted an edited version of the chart in a /pol/ thread titled "The eye caste system." In the edit, the user distributed the iris colors by tiers, describing A10, the lightest color of blue, as "Men destined to define eras and change history" and T50, the darkest shade of brown, as "Untouchable – sanitation workers, street sweepers" (image shown below). The thread received over 110 replies in three years.

T50 T40 T50 D37 T30 T50 D30 D50 T30 A17 T50 C40 D40 A30 T40 A40 T50 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 T50 Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come D34 T15 A50 D10 T40 T50 Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors C20 D20 T20 T30 T50 Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals D60 T10 T40 T50 Officers, Officials, Diplomats T17 T30 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen T50 T40 T50 Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers


In the following years, both the original image and the edit were reposted in /pol/ multiple times, with users asking others to report their iris shade.[6][7]

The chart did not achieve viral spread until February 2021, an unknown iFunny user posted the image to the app in a now-deleted post. Starting in late February, iFunny users started posting memes referencing the chart. For example, on February 18th, 2021, iFunny[8] user FartRightRetard posted the earliest meme referencing the image, with the GIF caption gaining over 50 smiles in one year (shown below, left). On March 5th, 2021, iFunny[9] user Muthsera posted a Jarvis Commands meme referencing the chart that received over 340 smiles in one year (shown below, center). On March 12th, iFunny[10] user Roaner posted a Take It Easy, Globehead meme that garnered over 1,100 smiles in one year (shown below, right).

Jarvis calculate canthal tilt, cross reference with eye color chart and determine PSLI rating. Reply "T50 swarthoid detected" under post. TAKE IT EASY A10 T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers THEY'RE JUST Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come MEMES

The meme maintained prevalence on the app during spring and summer 2021 as users rated various characters based on it and made memes about people whose iris colors matched various examples on the chart, primarily A10 and T50 irises (examples shown below, left and center). Additionally, the chart has been parodied as users replaced original comments with their versions. For example, on July 12th, 2021, iFunny[11] user paintedhen posted a meme that gained over 530 smiles in one year (shown below, right).

T40 T50 T50 D37 T30 D30 D50 T30 A17 C40 D40 A40 A30 T40 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 D34 T15 Drunk drivers A50 DIO T40 nicotine addicts, meth heads C20 D20 T20 T30 Alcoholics, T50 T50 T50 T50 T50 T50 Convicted rapists, D60 TIO T40 T50 arsonists, shoplifters Gamers, steroid- users, people who drink on weekdays T17 T30 Your mom T40 Left-handed people T50 T50 T50 Redditors, untouchables, marvel movie fans

Starting in June 2021, the format received another development as iFunny users kept the original comments, replacing the eye chart itself with other charts instead. For example, on July 24th, 2021, iFunny[12] user LordExor posted a height chart meme that gained over 420 smiles in one year (shown below, left). On June 18th, 2022, iFunny[13] user SnakeBaked posted a chart with various energy trinks that gained over 1,300 smiles in ten days (shown below, right).

Height (Feet) 5'8 change history, who will be 5'7 5'6 Men destined to define eras and ≤ 5'5 5'9-5'10 5'11 remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- 6'0+ Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers Red Bul ENERG Berry 5-hour ENERGY EXTRA STRENGTH indi bang F FUNC ONST BLUE EDITION ENERGY DRINK MONARCH GFUEL ENERGY FORMULA JUICED MONSTER NERGY 40 MEAN BEAK JAVA MONSTER TREE-CHERS" Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors A CREAT Red Bul Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals SUGARE CALORIESHELND SISA 1 XT7 Officers, Officials, Diplomats MONSTER MONSTER ENERGY ZERO ULTRA ENERG AA AMING REIGN TOTAL BOST 25% 200 AR SUPER CREATINE BUBBLEBU ENERGY CMPLX6 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, bang bang bang bang bang Street Sweepers RAINBOW BLUE RAZZ BIRTHDAY BACK CAVAR CAKE BASH NATURAL PLA

Various Examples

A blond hair blue eyed hyperborean A10 reading the ifunny eye chart (Time since Philosophers, Kings, last 5+YEARS Explorers, and Inventors shower) Men destined to define eras and NEVER change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Influential Artists, 1YEAR Writers, and Generals HALF A YEAR Officers, Officials, Diplomats 3 MONTHS Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, 2 WEEKS Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- 1DAY Sanitation Workers, Stre Swee T50 T40 T50 D37 T30 T50 D30 D50 T30 A17 T50 C40 ᎠᏎ0 . A30 T40 A40 T50 C30 T07 A10 A60 T30 A20 T50 Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come D34 T15 A50 D10 T40 T50 Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors C20 D20 T20 T30 T50 Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals D60 T10 T40 T50 Officers, Officials, Diplomats T17 T30 Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen € T50 & T40 T50 Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers
ΠΙΑ IVA VA ΠΙΑ III vertex onon VII VA VA Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millennia to come IVA ΠΙΑ Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals IIA IV Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers T50 Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers MOVIECLIPS Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Meem0.if A10


Men destined to define eras and change history, who will be remembered for millenia to come Philosophers, Kings, Explorers, and Inventors Influential Artists, Writers, and Generals Officers, Officials, Diplomats Middle Management, Soldiers, Craftsmen Manual Labourers, Peasants, Street Merchants Untouchable- Sanitation Workers, Street Sweepers

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