Arthur's Fist - Trending Images
It should have been Wah
Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist
It's not entirely incorrect.

Arthur's Fist
Josuke's fist

Arthur's Fist
RWBY: Ghira Belladonna when

Arthur's Fist
When somebody says Kirito is the Black Swordsman

Arthur's Fist
When nobody knows what you're supposed to be for character day...

Arthur's Fist
When nobody gets your cosplay

Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist
Upvote collection

Arthur's Fist
"When they pass you the AUX cable but you have an iPhone 7"

Arthur's Fist
When people call Gundam "Transformers".

Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist
Killer Q(uality)ueen

Arthur's Fist

Arthur's Fist
I'm positive! This guy has acquired abilities of the D.W. Gundam WITH THE HELP OF MARY MOO COW!!!

Arthur's Fist
One year after when the show ACTUALLY TAKES PLACE

Arthur's Fist
Who you callin' pinhead?

Arthur's Fist