Birthday Scenario Game - Images
"A big freaking Dong Demon"

Birthday Scenario Game
The Raccoons Birthday scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
I am the Vengeful Unicorn of the East

Birthday Scenario Game
![BIRTHDAY GAME: NES VILLAINS EDITION! Add the day you were born (1-31], the last two digits of the year you were born (00-991 and the month you were horn (1-121 all together to get a number. Match the number to your villail Example: If your birthday is January 1, 2000, then 1 ldayl+ 1 lmonthl 00 [last two digits of your year-2 = Your villain number. SP Strong Points Something good about being born with your number. WP = Weak Points-Something bad about being born With your lllllllher. 2-9 10 -18 19- 27 OBO Good witth your WPe Simple minded lucky NumberaG6 BOWSER ZODA SPa SP: Romantic SP Good with books WP Confrontational WP: Weak at spor in your goals Lucky Number: 50 Locky Nirmber:55 28- 36 37-46 47-56 SuperD ing Dedede Medusa SP: Good heart SPa Goodl.with anfimals Vain WP.Messy lifestvle Locky Number 35 57-67 Lucky Number:34 68-77 78-88 ano racula SP. Strong preseno WP Tendd to steal the Luck 89 97 SP: Good social life WP: Don t get along Luicky Nunber:97 98-106 tuCKy NuImber 1J 107- 115 DONKEY KONG SP: Ambitious SPa Other people look WP Bad dru Lucky Number: 19 130 135 WP: Tiedl down by Ta nily Lucky Number: 2 116-122 123-129 CHROS Or SP Value traditio iein and math WP. Fashion WP. Lack nhysical ower Lucky Number:27 Lncky N Lucky Number 13 136-142 Try and see if you cain findl someone for each villain card! SP: Glamourous style WP: T oo lemandiny Lucky Number 100](
![BIRTHDAY GAME: NES VILLAINS EDITION! Add the day you were born (1-31], the last two digits of the year you were born (00-991 and the month you were horn (1-121 all together to get a number. Match the number to your villail Example: If your birthday is January 1, 2000, then 1 ldayl+ 1 lmonthl 00 [last two digits of your year-2 = Your villain number. SP Strong Points Something good about being born with your number. WP = Weak Points-Something bad about being born With your lllllllher. 2-9 10 -18 19- 27 OBO Good witth your WPe Simple minded lucky NumberaG6 BOWSER ZODA SPa SP: Romantic SP Good with books WP Confrontational WP: Weak at spor in your goals Lucky Number: 50 Locky Nirmber:55 28- 36 37-46 47-56 SuperD ing Dedede Medusa SP: Good heart SPa Goodl.with anfimals Vain WP.Messy lifestvle Locky Number 35 57-67 Lucky Number:34 68-77 78-88 ano racula SP. Strong preseno WP Tendd to steal the Luck 89 97 SP: Good social life WP: Don t get along Luicky Nunber:97 98-106 tuCKy NuImber 1J 107- 115 DONKEY KONG SP: Ambitious SPa Other people look WP Bad dru Lucky Number: 19 130 135 WP: Tiedl down by Ta nily Lucky Number: 2 116-122 123-129 CHROS Or SP Value traditio iein and math WP. Fashion WP. Lack nhysical ower Lucky Number:27 Lncky N Lucky Number 13 136-142 Try and see if you cain findl someone for each villain card! SP: Glamourous style WP: T oo lemandiny Lucky Number 100](
Birthday Scenario Game
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers birthday scenario game

Birthday Scenario Game
For What Cause are you a Social Justice Warrior?

Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
Creepypasta Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
Symphonia Style

Birthday Scenario Game
Pokemon X and Y Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
What The Hell Did You Do & Why?

Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
Just Another Kirby Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game
Legendary Birthday Scenario Game!

Birthday Scenario Game

Birthday Scenario Game