Blessed Image - Images
"My dad always insisted he didn't like our dog, but then he did this a few years back"
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"For 15 years my dad refused to get a dog and recently my mom convinced him otherwise. They are inseparable"
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"'We are NOT keeping a pit bull!'"
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“'Stupid beast doesn’t hunt! Why are we feeding her if she doesn’t even keep the mice at bay?!'”
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"'I'll never get a dog' -man who wears dog as scarf"
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"'If we get a dog I'm not lifting a finger to help.' Fast forward to now, he takes her out everyday & tries to get her to pose for pictures!"
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"'Dogs are not meant to be inside! We are NOT getting a dog!'"
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"Just your typical dog dad slowly drifting to the dark side"
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"Claims to not want them. Plays with both at the same time so neither one feels left out..."
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“Absolutely no more animals”—Dad, lying
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He went from “absolutely no cats in this house” to taking selfies with said cat
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Blessed_ Poke Ball
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