Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme - Images
I can't be NB since there aren't any gender neutral pronouns in my language and that just wouldn't m...
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Just stare at the Facebook settings page for an unhealthy amount of time without changing anything
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Staring at bras in Walmart because...
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Shaving your legs because...
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Mom can you send me to therapy for social anxiety
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Wanting estrogen so you can be a girl or...
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I'm just a really butch lesbian
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Buying a VR headset so you can pick a female avatar
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Accepting yourself as being in denial that you're trans
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Version by u/ChaoticNeutralAtBest
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Trying to lose weight because...
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I could live with my body for a few more years
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Using Guy template because you are totally a cis guy
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Accepting I'm trans vs convincing myself it's just a phase
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
fun with acronyms
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
A potentially effective strategy
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Coolyori is on a journey to conquer r/fireemblem
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Coolyori gets her poem rated
Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme