Anarcho-Capitalism - Images
Statism was terrible
![statism was terrible hordes of bureacrats bursting into our... nothing leaving behind collectively funded roads, hospitals, transport](
![statism was terrible hordes of bureacrats bursting into our... nothing leaving behind collectively funded roads, hospitals, transport](
Libertarians on children's rights
![Suppose now that the baby has been born. Then what? First, we may say that the parents-or rather the mother, who is the only certain and visible parent-as the creators of the baby become its owners...The mother, then, is the natural and rightful owner of the baby, and any attempt to seize the baby by force is an invasion of her property right. Now if a parent may own his child (within the framework of non- aggression and runaway-freedom), then he may also transfer that ownership to someone else. He may give the child out for adoption, or he may sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract. In short, we must face the fact that the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children...n fact, we find a large unsatisfied demand by adults and couples for children, along with a large number of surplus and unwanted babies neglected or maltreated by their parents. Applying our theory to parents and children, this means that a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also that the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, nd the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child. The Ethics of Liberty by Murray Rothbard THISWHAT LBERTARANS ACTUALLYBELEE](
![Suppose now that the baby has been born. Then what? First, we may say that the parents-or rather the mother, who is the only certain and visible parent-as the creators of the baby become its owners...The mother, then, is the natural and rightful owner of the baby, and any attempt to seize the baby by force is an invasion of her property right. Now if a parent may own his child (within the framework of non- aggression and runaway-freedom), then he may also transfer that ownership to someone else. He may give the child out for adoption, or he may sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract. In short, we must face the fact that the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children...n fact, we find a large unsatisfied demand by adults and couples for children, along with a large number of surplus and unwanted babies neglected or maltreated by their parents. Applying our theory to parents and children, this means that a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also that the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, nd the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child. The Ethics of Liberty by Murray Rothbard THISWHAT LBERTARANS ACTUALLYBELEE](
McYellow and Black Attack™
![when you're a high-octane christian power metal band with no affiliation to anarcho-crapitalismTM whatsoeven just doing you're thing and rocking for jesus.](
![when you're a high-octane christian power metal band with no affiliation to anarcho-crapitalismTM whatsoeven just doing you're thing and rocking for jesus.](
Good on you Jeff.
![dat-soldier stebbyfrenchguy Follow World's nuclear arsenals 8000 7000 6000 5000 7,300 6,970 4000 3000 2000 1000 260 215 100-120 110-130 80 c10 c10 Russia United FranceChina United India Pakistan Israel North Jeff Source: Federation of American Scientists ronpaulproblems Who is Jeff and why does he have less than 10 nukes? priceofliberty Jeff is the ancap we all aspire to be Source: ronpaulproblems 2,331 notes](
![dat-soldier stebbyfrenchguy Follow World's nuclear arsenals 8000 7000 6000 5000 7,300 6,970 4000 3000 2000 1000 260 215 100-120 110-130 80 c10 c10 Russia United FranceChina United India Pakistan Israel North Jeff Source: Federation of American Scientists ronpaulproblems Who is Jeff and why does he have less than 10 nukes? priceofliberty Jeff is the ancap we all aspire to be Source: ronpaulproblems 2,331 notes](
The elimination of the state in favor of individual sovereignty, private property, and free markets
![Taxation is theft. Governments earn revenue through robbery If there exists a State which attempts to fund its existence through involuntary payments at gunpoint, such funding constitutes thievery. Consider a hypothetical public institution which has sovereign rights to some area of land. Rather than alleviate its necessary financial burdens through noncompulsory donations from the residents of this area of land, it chooses to impose force via threats of imprisonment and violence if a resident were to resist demands for payment. It should be at once clear that such an institution, regardless of its intentions or purchases, is effectively committing an act of armed pilferage on a massive scale. If analyzed with a critical eye-one wiling to put aside unfounded notions regardingt the proper ethical a person and the groups who hold power over said person, one willing to entertain previously unconsidered notions, one willing to accept that unflattering labels might be fairly levied against a abiquitous and unchallenged aspect of modern society-it should become immediately obvious to the impartial observer that there exists an unspoken equivalency, one that pairs two concepts often incorrectly considered to be entirely distinct not just with respect to morality, but in all categories. The first element of this pair of equivalent ideas is that of tariffs, the method of monetary accumalation that mest every group of powerful individuals has implemented to generate their own incomes, Such accumulation, as you surely know, is not based on consenting persons agreeing to subsidize the public services said group provides. Rather, those in power will demand capital with the hacking of armed employees of the elites. Were an individual to choose not to provide capital. said elites would not merely deny the individual the benefits of their services, as would any private group in a similar scenario, but would utilize their armed employees as extorters, with the necessity of their services being a foregone conelusion if one wishes to remain alive and free. The second elenment of our illustrated equivalency is that of heists, five-finger discounts, rip-offs, stickups, lurglary- all names for the same morally reprehensible concept. Yes, these two ideas are in fact one and th老same. Think about it.](
![Taxation is theft. Governments earn revenue through robbery If there exists a State which attempts to fund its existence through involuntary payments at gunpoint, such funding constitutes thievery. Consider a hypothetical public institution which has sovereign rights to some area of land. Rather than alleviate its necessary financial burdens through noncompulsory donations from the residents of this area of land, it chooses to impose force via threats of imprisonment and violence if a resident were to resist demands for payment. It should be at once clear that such an institution, regardless of its intentions or purchases, is effectively committing an act of armed pilferage on a massive scale. If analyzed with a critical eye-one wiling to put aside unfounded notions regardingt the proper ethical a person and the groups who hold power over said person, one willing to entertain previously unconsidered notions, one willing to accept that unflattering labels might be fairly levied against a abiquitous and unchallenged aspect of modern society-it should become immediately obvious to the impartial observer that there exists an unspoken equivalency, one that pairs two concepts often incorrectly considered to be entirely distinct not just with respect to morality, but in all categories. The first element of this pair of equivalent ideas is that of tariffs, the method of monetary accumalation that mest every group of powerful individuals has implemented to generate their own incomes, Such accumulation, as you surely know, is not based on consenting persons agreeing to subsidize the public services said group provides. Rather, those in power will demand capital with the hacking of armed employees of the elites. Were an individual to choose not to provide capital. said elites would not merely deny the individual the benefits of their services, as would any private group in a similar scenario, but would utilize their armed employees as extorters, with the necessity of their services being a foregone conelusion if one wishes to remain alive and free. The second elenment of our illustrated equivalency is that of heists, five-finger discounts, rip-offs, stickups, lurglary- all names for the same morally reprehensible concept. Yes, these two ideas are in fact one and th老same. Think about it.](
![there is no such thing as borders so anyone should be able to walk in the country but i'll shoot you if you walk in my natural property borders](
![there is no such thing as borders so anyone should be able to walk in the country but i'll shoot you if you walk in my natural property borders](
He's the real victim here
![When you realise that Kony 2012 was actually just a government campaign determined to deprive one man of his right to own a private child army From Gold Membership Ancap Memes From Rothbard's Dreams](
![When you realise that Kony 2012 was actually just a government campaign determined to deprive one man of his right to own a private child army From Gold Membership Ancap Memes From Rothbard's Dreams](
Don't hog the bed sheets
![When you shoot your wife because she violated the NAP by taking your half of the blanket in her sleep](
![When you shoot your wife because she violated the NAP by taking your half of the blanket in her sleep](
Proprietary Fonts
![When the ungrateful employees contractually bound to work on your property for the rest of their lives go on strike so you send in your human resources department to administer corporeal persuasion until they voluntarily agree to continue harvesting your crops and calling you "my lord"](
![When the ungrateful employees contractually bound to work on your property for the rest of their lives go on strike so you send in your human resources department to administer corporeal persuasion until they voluntarily agree to continue harvesting your crops and calling you "my lord"](
Black and White Smiley Template
![Couldn't find a template. Made one.](
![Couldn't find a template. Made one.](
White Smiley Template
![Couldn't find a template. Made one.](
![Couldn't find a template. Made one.](
![Gold Membership Ancap- MarineSM uFor the NAP and the McEmperorTM"](
![Gold Membership Ancap- MarineSM uFor the NAP and the McEmperorTM"](
Don't drive over other people's private improvised explosives
![When you hit an IED while driving to work, and trv to call a private ambulance but vou get arrested because the IED was someone's private property.](
![When you hit an IED while driving to work, and trv to call a private ambulance but vou get arrested because the IED was someone's private property.](
At least the ocean is not private property (yet)
![When all the land is owned and the only way to get kicked off someone's property is to get thrown in the ocean](
![When all the land is owned and the only way to get kicked off someone's property is to get thrown in the ocean](
When you run over someone but they didn't pay their Human Rights™ fees
![When your driving your Piranha V to work and you run over an elderly couple with it, but it turns out they missed their last Human rights™ subscription payment so you get away with it TM](
![When your driving your Piranha V to work and you run over an elderly couple with it, but it turns out they missed their last Human rights™ subscription payment so you get away with it TM](