Nordicism - Images
Some of these are so specific you could swear they were made by Varg himself
![PRODUCT OF RACE MIXING Turkey, Iran Afghanistan North India North/West East South Pakistan India Horn of Middle Europe Europe Europe Africa East The nordic Race has created many ancient civilisations including places as, Sumeria, Assyria, Egypt, Bablyon, Persia, India, Greece and Rome, to name a few. They invented astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, engineering, politics and built vast empires and the Seven Wonders of the World. The once fair and widely spread Nordics that created all of these great wonders fell victim to miscegenation, it is estimated that in Italy alone there is 8% African Negroe Admixture, and as these great Nordic people disepeard from these lands so did their wealth and power, by now most of these areas are third world shitholes not capable of ever reaching the great marvels of the past that the Nordics built, such is the fate of race mixing.](
![PRODUCT OF RACE MIXING Turkey, Iran Afghanistan North India North/West East South Pakistan India Horn of Middle Europe Europe Europe Africa East The nordic Race has created many ancient civilisations including places as, Sumeria, Assyria, Egypt, Bablyon, Persia, India, Greece and Rome, to name a few. They invented astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, engineering, politics and built vast empires and the Seven Wonders of the World. The once fair and widely spread Nordics that created all of these great wonders fell victim to miscegenation, it is estimated that in Italy alone there is 8% African Negroe Admixture, and as these great Nordic people disepeard from these lands so did their wealth and power, by now most of these areas are third world shitholes not capable of ever reaching the great marvels of the past that the Nordics built, such is the fate of race mixing.](
![NORDIC VS GERMANIC Germanic NORDIC These two are in actuality two different Races One is Paleo European, The other Indo European The difference is so great there is a skull difference even NORDIC MAN MED MAN Smaller brainsize TWO DIFEERENT RACES Both the Meds & The Germanics being Indo Euro Share roughly the same skull shape, In contrast The Nordic race has a bigger skull, More Brainsize Proto-European Indo-European Smaller brain size Feminine Vertical Forehead Larger Curve to the back of the head Lower Intelligence Lack of Bone developement The confusion happened when the Romans Marched up the Rhine And called allI blondes To the east Germanics, even though the rulers in these areas were Nordics Key THIS RACE IS SEPERATED FROM INDO EUROPEAN RACE BY 10000 YEARS MINIMUM Y-DNA HAPLOGROUPS Rta the size of al young clades included paint of the main olade indicated Map with predominant Haplogroups aged 20+5 kya They are decendants of Atlantis And Racially Superior Rib-the size of all young olades included the paint of the main clade indicated THE GREAT NORDIC RACE = BLUE NI (North Eurasians) (Northern Proto-Europeans) Germanic Indo Europeans PROTO EUROPEAN MAN R-U106 R-2280 R-M58 R1a (ingo-Europeans) Habsburgers & Hitler are Nordic Austrians R1b (Ancestral Eurasians) C3 5116 J2a (Proto-Edropeans) PROTO EUROPEAN CAUCASUS 82 West gaucasians PROTO EUROPEAN BASQUE ANCIENT GUANCHE (NOW DEAD) (Northern Southwe Asiang J2 PROTO EUROPEAN BERDER HEAVILLY MIXED) ANCIENT GREEKS ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PROTO EUROPEAN INDO EUROPEAN SKULL E1b1b1b2a1a (Western North-Africans) (Southern Southwest-Asians) E1b1b1a1 (Mediterraneans) J1 Infact all historical texts speaking about Hyperboreans, Atlantians, & A Herrenrasse, Does not refeer to the Germanics, But to the Paleo European Race, For the Nordics with the 11/12 Hablogroup is also found In Ancient Greece, Balkans, Morroco, Egypt, Guanche, China, Meso Amer. This was built by Paleo Europeans, - Not Indo Europeans LANDS TAKEN BY NORDICS All of these Lands, - Taken by Nordics of From earlv Iron age Nordics frorm Scandinavia conquerd more than 2/3 of Europe, starting their conquests by defeating both SPQR & Atilla * t te t ast Rarelia Finland Norway OEN uf Yuik जo श Danish Teutons Swedish njasbera cen a nmark wielBa gland ing Sigismung Vasa OF Poland Jarldom of Kiev'-Rus Scandinavia Norman KGD EE FRANKS Ermanerit Stavropnl-Kral Kingdom of the Suebi Burund Lombard Kingdom OstroGothie Kingdom conquered byking Sitącles Gothic King VisiGothic Kingdom Conquered by King anausis Cethie Kin Vandal Kingdom GOD TIER The conquests of the Nordic People Netherland Holdings Hst Huur Bluc ur Ureen Ey Belng Paleg Euroneans and having-](
![NORDIC VS GERMANIC Germanic NORDIC These two are in actuality two different Races One is Paleo European, The other Indo European The difference is so great there is a skull difference even NORDIC MAN MED MAN Smaller brainsize TWO DIFEERENT RACES Both the Meds & The Germanics being Indo Euro Share roughly the same skull shape, In contrast The Nordic race has a bigger skull, More Brainsize Proto-European Indo-European Smaller brain size Feminine Vertical Forehead Larger Curve to the back of the head Lower Intelligence Lack of Bone developement The confusion happened when the Romans Marched up the Rhine And called allI blondes To the east Germanics, even though the rulers in these areas were Nordics Key THIS RACE IS SEPERATED FROM INDO EUROPEAN RACE BY 10000 YEARS MINIMUM Y-DNA HAPLOGROUPS Rta the size of al young clades included paint of the main olade indicated Map with predominant Haplogroups aged 20+5 kya They are decendants of Atlantis And Racially Superior Rib-the size of all young olades included the paint of the main clade indicated THE GREAT NORDIC RACE = BLUE NI (North Eurasians) (Northern Proto-Europeans) Germanic Indo Europeans PROTO EUROPEAN MAN R-U106 R-2280 R-M58 R1a (ingo-Europeans) Habsburgers & Hitler are Nordic Austrians R1b (Ancestral Eurasians) C3 5116 J2a (Proto-Edropeans) PROTO EUROPEAN CAUCASUS 82 West gaucasians PROTO EUROPEAN BASQUE ANCIENT GUANCHE (NOW DEAD) (Northern Southwe Asiang J2 PROTO EUROPEAN BERDER HEAVILLY MIXED) ANCIENT GREEKS ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PROTO EUROPEAN INDO EUROPEAN SKULL E1b1b1b2a1a (Western North-Africans) (Southern Southwest-Asians) E1b1b1a1 (Mediterraneans) J1 Infact all historical texts speaking about Hyperboreans, Atlantians, & A Herrenrasse, Does not refeer to the Germanics, But to the Paleo European Race, For the Nordics with the 11/12 Hablogroup is also found In Ancient Greece, Balkans, Morroco, Egypt, Guanche, China, Meso Amer. This was built by Paleo Europeans, - Not Indo Europeans LANDS TAKEN BY NORDICS All of these Lands, - Taken by Nordics of From earlv Iron age Nordics frorm Scandinavia conquerd more than 2/3 of Europe, starting their conquests by defeating both SPQR & Atilla * t te t ast Rarelia Finland Norway OEN uf Yuik जo श Danish Teutons Swedish njasbera cen a nmark wielBa gland ing Sigismung Vasa OF Poland Jarldom of Kiev'-Rus Scandinavia Norman KGD EE FRANKS Ermanerit Stavropnl-Kral Kingdom of the Suebi Burund Lombard Kingdom OstroGothie Kingdom conquered byking Sitącles Gothic King VisiGothic Kingdom Conquered by King anausis Cethie Kin Vandal Kingdom GOD TIER The conquests of the Nordic People Netherland Holdings Hst Huur Bluc ur Ureen Ey Belng Paleg Euroneans and having-](
Proto-European vs Indo-European Skull Shape
![Proto-European Indo-European Smaller brain size Feminine Vertical Forehead Lower Intelligence Lack of Bone developement](
![Proto-European Indo-European Smaller brain size Feminine Vertical Forehead Lower Intelligence Lack of Bone developement](
"Ancient Greeks were Nordic Vikings!!" (extended)
![Nordic Hellas During the course of my investigations into Nordic racial history, I have gathered together some rather interesting material on the presence of the Nordic race in the Classical World. Of particular value, are the researches of J. L. Angel, who performed an extensive survey of all ancient Greek crania. Angel analysed these skulls from a typological perspective, and because of the position he took on the reality of race, he was subsequently much criticised by his contemporaries. We may note that Angel (1944), calculated that during the Classical period of Greek history (650-150 BC), 27% of the Greek population had been predominantly Nordic in type. He observed that prior to the Classical period, the Nordic element had been larger, and that after it, the element in question had declined. [Angel (1943; 1944; 1945; 1946a, b, c.] Angel (1971), also noted that the immigrant Indo-Europeans, were of Nordic subrace. Peterson (1974), studied portrait busts of famous ancient Greek personages, and concluded that the aristocracies of Hellas were a product of closely interbreeding, Eupatrid clans. These clans were mostly Nordic in type, being largely descended from the Indo-European invaders. The demos, or common people however, as well as most slaves, were of Mediterranean, Pelasgian descent. Greek Men: Greek from Tinos, circa 1911; Greek sculpture of "Diadoumenos," circa 430BC; Old Cretan Man; Poseidon of Artemision The study of Greek literature which Sieglin (1935) performed, has demonstrated that many individuals in the elites of ancient Greece, had blond or red hair. For instance, Alcibiades, Alexander the Great, Critias, Demetrius of Phalerum, King Lysimachus, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and King Pyrrhus, were all fair-haired individuals. Dionysius I, the ruler of Syracuse, had blond hair and freckles, whilst the Athenian playwright Euripides, also had a fair and freckled complexion. [Günther (1956).] Some critics have attempted to claim that the Greek word "ksanthos" (xanthos), means "brown-haired", rather than "blond-haired". However, a recent article by Moonwomon (1994), on colour-meaning in ancient Greek, reveals that the word did in fact mean blond. There are also numerous interesting examples from Greek literature which can be cited. For instance, in Homer's Iliad, and Odyssey, whilst the aristocrats such as Achilles and Menelaus have blond hair, the slaves Eurybates and Thersites are brunet. Indeed, the Greek orator Dio of Prusa noted that the Greek ideal of beauty was a Nordic one. The Greeks, he said, admired the blond Achilles, but thought that the barbarian Trojan Hector, was black-haired. [Günther (1956).] In his Argonautica, the Greek poet Apollonius Rhodius, describes the hero Jason, and all fifty of the Argonauts, as blond-haired. [Sieglin (1935).] When the heroine Electra, in Euripides' play of that name, finds a lock of her brother Orestes' hair, on the grave of their father Agamemnon, she can tell that it is his hair, because of its distinctive blond colour. It would appear that the nobility of ancient Greece was distinguished from the dark masses, by its many blond members. [Ridgeway (1909).] The poet Bacchylides said that the women of Sparta were blonde, and Dicaearchus said much the same thing about the women of Thebes. [Günther (1956).] For the Greeks, the most beautiful woman who ever lived, Helen, was a blonde, as were those mythical men such as Adonis, who were famed for their handsomeness. [Sieglin (1935).] For more literary descriptions of pigmentation in ancient Greek poetry and prose, as well as craniological evidence, I can recommend the following works: De Lapouge (1899), Jax (1933), Myres (1930), Reche (1936) and Ridgeway (1901). Günther's works on the subject of Greek racial history (1927; 1928; 1929a, b; 1956; 1961), are particularly valuable. Günther performed a detailed analysis of Greek history, from a biological perspective. Utilising craniological, literary, and pictorial evidence, he reconstructed the racial structure of ancient Greece. He concluded that the Nordic subrace formed something of an ideal for the Greeks, and that the Nordic element was more influential than any other. At the summit of its achievements, Greece possessed a large Nordic element, but as this element declined, so did Greek culture and civilisation. Finally, we may observe that in the fourth-century AD, the Jewish physician and sophist Adamantios, described the "true Greek" thus: "Wherever the Hellenic and Ionic race has been kept pure, we see proper tall men of fairly broad and straight build, neatly made, of fairly light skin and blond; the flesh is rather firm, the limbs straight, the extremities well made. The head is of middling size, and moves very easily; the neck is strong, the hair somewhat fair, and soft, and a little curly; the face is rectangular, the lips narrow, the nose straight, and the eyes bright, piercing, and full of light; for of all nations the Greek has the fairest eyes." [Günther (1927) 157.] Greek 420 BC Modern Greek I do not personally believe that the Nordic racial element in ancient Greece was ever predominant, but I do think that it was concentrated in the elites, and that it therefore probably had a disproportionately large influence. It is easiest to study and trace the impact of this particular element, because of its distinctive pigmentation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ancient Greek Modern "Greek" Вooks Angel, J. L. (1971) Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid, Volume II – The People (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press). Fully A---- / Nordic Turkic / Semitic European mix De Lapouge, G. V. (1899) L'Aryen: Son Rôle Social (Paris: Albert Fontemoing). Günther, H. F. K. [G. C. Wheeler, trans.] (1927) The Racial Elements of European History (London: Methuen). Günther, H. F. K. (1928) Platon als Hüter des Lebens: Platons Zucht- und Erziehungsgedanken und deren Bedeutung für die Gegenwart (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). alany Günther, H. F. K. (1929a) Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes: Mit einem Anhang – Hellenische und römische Köpfe nordischer Rasse (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). Günther, H. F. K. (1929b) Rassenkunde Europas: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rassengeschichte der Hauptvölker indogermanisc Lehmanns Verlag). Sprache (Munich: J. F. Günther, H. F. K. (1956) Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes (Pähl: Verlag Hohe Warte). a Jax, K. (1933) Die weibliche Schönheit in der griechischen Dichtung (Innsbruck: Universitäts-Verlag Wagner). Myres, J. L. (1930) Who Were the Greeks? (Berkeley: University of California Press). Reche, O. (1936) Rasse und Heimat der Indogermanen (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). alamy Ridgeway, W. (1901) The Early Age of Greece, Volume I (London: Cambridge University Press). a alamy Sieglin, W. (1935) Die blonden Haare der indogermanischen Völker des Altertums (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). Articles Angel, J. L. (1943) “Ancient Cephallenians: The Population of a Mediterranean Island." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, I, 229-260. Angel, J. L. (1944) “A Racial Analysis of the Ancient Greeks: An Essay on the Use of Morphological Types." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, II, 329-376. alamy Angel, J. L. (1945) “Skeletal Material From Attica." Hesperia, XIV, 279-363. Angel, J. L. (1946a) “Race, Type, and Ethnic Group in Ancient Greece." Human Biology, XVIII, 1–32. Angel, J. L. (1946b) “Skeletal Change in Ancient Greece." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IV, 69–97. Angel, J. L. (1946c) “Social Biology of Greek Culture Growth." American Anthropologist, XLVIII, 493-533. Günther, H. F. K. (1961) "Like a Greek God.. Translated by Vivian Bird from Professor Hans F. K. Guenther's Rassenkunde des Hellenischen Volkes." Northern World, VI (1), 5–16. Moonwomon, B. (1994) "Color Categorization in Early Greek." Journal of Indo-European Studies, XXII, 37–65. Peterson, R. (1974) "The Greek Face." Journal of Indo-European Studies, II, 385-406. Ridgeway, W. (1909) “The Relation of Anthropology to Classical Studies." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, XXXIX, 10–25. HOME GREEK 1590 AD Ottoman Empire NOT GRÉEK TIA ΙΣΤΙΚΗ Ε ATE My ancestor :) TOX S口 肉 6 肉 6 肉 肉 肉 肉 IELEB](
![Nordic Hellas During the course of my investigations into Nordic racial history, I have gathered together some rather interesting material on the presence of the Nordic race in the Classical World. Of particular value, are the researches of J. L. Angel, who performed an extensive survey of all ancient Greek crania. Angel analysed these skulls from a typological perspective, and because of the position he took on the reality of race, he was subsequently much criticised by his contemporaries. We may note that Angel (1944), calculated that during the Classical period of Greek history (650-150 BC), 27% of the Greek population had been predominantly Nordic in type. He observed that prior to the Classical period, the Nordic element had been larger, and that after it, the element in question had declined. [Angel (1943; 1944; 1945; 1946a, b, c.] Angel (1971), also noted that the immigrant Indo-Europeans, were of Nordic subrace. Peterson (1974), studied portrait busts of famous ancient Greek personages, and concluded that the aristocracies of Hellas were a product of closely interbreeding, Eupatrid clans. These clans were mostly Nordic in type, being largely descended from the Indo-European invaders. The demos, or common people however, as well as most slaves, were of Mediterranean, Pelasgian descent. Greek Men: Greek from Tinos, circa 1911; Greek sculpture of "Diadoumenos," circa 430BC; Old Cretan Man; Poseidon of Artemision The study of Greek literature which Sieglin (1935) performed, has demonstrated that many individuals in the elites of ancient Greece, had blond or red hair. For instance, Alcibiades, Alexander the Great, Critias, Demetrius of Phalerum, King Lysimachus, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and King Pyrrhus, were all fair-haired individuals. Dionysius I, the ruler of Syracuse, had blond hair and freckles, whilst the Athenian playwright Euripides, also had a fair and freckled complexion. [Günther (1956).] Some critics have attempted to claim that the Greek word "ksanthos" (xanthos), means "brown-haired", rather than "blond-haired". However, a recent article by Moonwomon (1994), on colour-meaning in ancient Greek, reveals that the word did in fact mean blond. There are also numerous interesting examples from Greek literature which can be cited. For instance, in Homer's Iliad, and Odyssey, whilst the aristocrats such as Achilles and Menelaus have blond hair, the slaves Eurybates and Thersites are brunet. Indeed, the Greek orator Dio of Prusa noted that the Greek ideal of beauty was a Nordic one. The Greeks, he said, admired the blond Achilles, but thought that the barbarian Trojan Hector, was black-haired. [Günther (1956).] In his Argonautica, the Greek poet Apollonius Rhodius, describes the hero Jason, and all fifty of the Argonauts, as blond-haired. [Sieglin (1935).] When the heroine Electra, in Euripides' play of that name, finds a lock of her brother Orestes' hair, on the grave of their father Agamemnon, she can tell that it is his hair, because of its distinctive blond colour. It would appear that the nobility of ancient Greece was distinguished from the dark masses, by its many blond members. [Ridgeway (1909).] The poet Bacchylides said that the women of Sparta were blonde, and Dicaearchus said much the same thing about the women of Thebes. [Günther (1956).] For the Greeks, the most beautiful woman who ever lived, Helen, was a blonde, as were those mythical men such as Adonis, who were famed for their handsomeness. [Sieglin (1935).] For more literary descriptions of pigmentation in ancient Greek poetry and prose, as well as craniological evidence, I can recommend the following works: De Lapouge (1899), Jax (1933), Myres (1930), Reche (1936) and Ridgeway (1901). Günther's works on the subject of Greek racial history (1927; 1928; 1929a, b; 1956; 1961), are particularly valuable. Günther performed a detailed analysis of Greek history, from a biological perspective. Utilising craniological, literary, and pictorial evidence, he reconstructed the racial structure of ancient Greece. He concluded that the Nordic subrace formed something of an ideal for the Greeks, and that the Nordic element was more influential than any other. At the summit of its achievements, Greece possessed a large Nordic element, but as this element declined, so did Greek culture and civilisation. Finally, we may observe that in the fourth-century AD, the Jewish physician and sophist Adamantios, described the "true Greek" thus: "Wherever the Hellenic and Ionic race has been kept pure, we see proper tall men of fairly broad and straight build, neatly made, of fairly light skin and blond; the flesh is rather firm, the limbs straight, the extremities well made. The head is of middling size, and moves very easily; the neck is strong, the hair somewhat fair, and soft, and a little curly; the face is rectangular, the lips narrow, the nose straight, and the eyes bright, piercing, and full of light; for of all nations the Greek has the fairest eyes." [Günther (1927) 157.] Greek 420 BC Modern Greek I do not personally believe that the Nordic racial element in ancient Greece was ever predominant, but I do think that it was concentrated in the elites, and that it therefore probably had a disproportionately large influence. It is easiest to study and trace the impact of this particular element, because of its distinctive pigmentation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ancient Greek Modern "Greek" Вooks Angel, J. L. (1971) Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid, Volume II – The People (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press). Fully A---- / Nordic Turkic / Semitic European mix De Lapouge, G. V. (1899) L'Aryen: Son Rôle Social (Paris: Albert Fontemoing). Günther, H. F. K. [G. C. Wheeler, trans.] (1927) The Racial Elements of European History (London: Methuen). Günther, H. F. K. (1928) Platon als Hüter des Lebens: Platons Zucht- und Erziehungsgedanken und deren Bedeutung für die Gegenwart (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). alany Günther, H. F. K. (1929a) Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes: Mit einem Anhang – Hellenische und römische Köpfe nordischer Rasse (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). Günther, H. F. K. (1929b) Rassenkunde Europas: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rassengeschichte der Hauptvölker indogermanisc Lehmanns Verlag). Sprache (Munich: J. F. Günther, H. F. K. (1956) Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes (Pähl: Verlag Hohe Warte). a Jax, K. (1933) Die weibliche Schönheit in der griechischen Dichtung (Innsbruck: Universitäts-Verlag Wagner). Myres, J. L. (1930) Who Were the Greeks? (Berkeley: University of California Press). Reche, O. (1936) Rasse und Heimat der Indogermanen (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). alamy Ridgeway, W. (1901) The Early Age of Greece, Volume I (London: Cambridge University Press). a alamy Sieglin, W. (1935) Die blonden Haare der indogermanischen Völker des Altertums (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag). Articles Angel, J. L. (1943) “Ancient Cephallenians: The Population of a Mediterranean Island." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, I, 229-260. Angel, J. L. (1944) “A Racial Analysis of the Ancient Greeks: An Essay on the Use of Morphological Types." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, II, 329-376. alamy Angel, J. L. (1945) “Skeletal Material From Attica." Hesperia, XIV, 279-363. Angel, J. L. (1946a) “Race, Type, and Ethnic Group in Ancient Greece." Human Biology, XVIII, 1–32. Angel, J. L. (1946b) “Skeletal Change in Ancient Greece." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IV, 69–97. Angel, J. L. (1946c) “Social Biology of Greek Culture Growth." American Anthropologist, XLVIII, 493-533. Günther, H. F. K. (1961) "Like a Greek God.. Translated by Vivian Bird from Professor Hans F. K. Guenther's Rassenkunde des Hellenischen Volkes." Northern World, VI (1), 5–16. Moonwomon, B. (1994) "Color Categorization in Early Greek." Journal of Indo-European Studies, XXII, 37–65. Peterson, R. (1974) "The Greek Face." Journal of Indo-European Studies, II, 385-406. Ridgeway, W. (1909) “The Relation of Anthropology to Classical Studies." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, XXXIX, 10–25. HOME GREEK 1590 AD Ottoman Empire NOT GRÉEK TIA ΙΣΤΙΚΗ Ε ATE My ancestor :) TOX S口 肉 6 肉 6 肉 肉 肉 肉 IELEB](
"Ancient Greeks were Nordic Vikings!!"
![Ancient Greek Fully A---- / Nordic Modern "Greek" Turkic / Semitic European mix %3D alamy alamy alan alam 1590 AD Ottoman Empire My ancestor :)](
![Ancient Greek Fully A---- / Nordic Modern "Greek" Turkic / Semitic European mix %3D alamy alamy alan alam 1590 AD Ottoman Empire My ancestor :)](
Different racial types in Ancient Greece denote class difference (lol wtf)
Ancient Greek vs Modern "Greek"
![Ancient Greek Modern "Greek"](
![Ancient Greek Modern "Greek"](
Ancient Hellen vs Modern-Day Greek
Oh snap! The true Native Americans were White and Nordic Swedes!
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mmm first native real true, sirs
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Goosebumps: some spectacular shots of the orobic lord of Brembate Superiore immersed in the flora of...
![This guy is an actual right wing dude, but these posts are obvious satire. He's aware of it all](
![This guy is an actual right wing dude, but these posts are obvious satire. He's aware of it all](
ARYAN vs "aryan"
![A---- "a----"](
![A---- "a----"](
The truth about R1a Aryan "warriors"
![The truth about R1a A---- "warriors" R1a history Mesolithic R1a >Ria Slavs enslaved by Byzantines and Germans on such a scale that "Slav" becomes the world for "slave" all over Europe >Misidentified by Soviet archaeologists as a female >Ria Aryans r---- out of existence by Turk bvlls in Central Asia and on the steppe >Now confirmed by DNA to be the world's oldest Ria male to date >Ria Slavs conquered and enslaved in Central Europe by Avars, Magyars, and countless other steppe nomads >Ria Russians voluntarily submit to Norse rule, many enslaved and sold into the Byzantine-Arab world >Ria Russians conquered by Mongols, remaining under their rule for centuries Average R1a faces Neolithic R1a >Millions of Ria Slavs abducted from the steppe by Tatars and sold as slaves into to the Ottoman Empire Robust R1a >Ria Corded Ware male from Czechia buried physique >Ria Balts and Russians dominated by N1c rulers throughout the Middle Ages according to female funeral rites, with female grave goods >This is the first instance of a transgender or "third gender" person in human history Bronze Age R1a Massive Rla Iron Age R1a lower third Powerful R1a >An Enaree or Enarei was a Scythian shaman; described as effeminate or androgynous hand and arm Hardened R1a >According to Herodotus, the Scythians ... were afflicted by the goddess with the "female" sickness warrior](
![The truth about R1a A---- "warriors" R1a history Mesolithic R1a >Ria Slavs enslaved by Byzantines and Germans on such a scale that "Slav" becomes the world for "slave" all over Europe >Misidentified by Soviet archaeologists as a female >Ria Aryans r---- out of existence by Turk bvlls in Central Asia and on the steppe >Now confirmed by DNA to be the world's oldest Ria male to date >Ria Slavs conquered and enslaved in Central Europe by Avars, Magyars, and countless other steppe nomads >Ria Russians voluntarily submit to Norse rule, many enslaved and sold into the Byzantine-Arab world >Ria Russians conquered by Mongols, remaining under their rule for centuries Average R1a faces Neolithic R1a >Millions of Ria Slavs abducted from the steppe by Tatars and sold as slaves into to the Ottoman Empire Robust R1a >Ria Corded Ware male from Czechia buried physique >Ria Balts and Russians dominated by N1c rulers throughout the Middle Ages according to female funeral rites, with female grave goods >This is the first instance of a transgender or "third gender" person in human history Bronze Age R1a Massive Rla Iron Age R1a lower third Powerful R1a >An Enaree or Enarei was a Scythian shaman; described as effeminate or androgynous hand and arm Hardened R1a >According to Herodotus, the Scythians ... were afflicted by the goddess with the "female" sickness warrior](
Aryan Invasion by Christian Sloan Hall
![While this is pure meme material at this point, this artist can draw pretty well. His other stuff is actually good even if he deleted this](
![While this is pure meme material at this point, this artist can draw pretty well. His other stuff is actually good even if he deleted this](