Nordicism - Images
Alternative and more accurate colors of Roman Emperors' busts

Nordicists CGI paint blonde hair on busts of Roman Emperors and pass it as real

Blogger literally doodles blue eyes and red hair on a bust of Plato and says that this is what "he r...

Nordic phenotypes collage

German footballer on the left, ancient Greek goddess on the right

Greek God Apollo on the left, and a Nordic profile on the right

Rostam Farrokhzād the ""Nordic"" King of Parthia

Le Florianus Face

Based Indian Emperor of Rome

Florianus is essentially Indian

/pol/ revised Voshart's reconstructions


![LANDS TAKEN BY NORDICS From early Iron age Nordics from Scandinavia conquerd more than 2/3 of Europe, starting their conquests by defeating both SPQR & Atilla From the Iron age to 1656 Does not include Nordic Hellenics, Nodic Egyptians, Basque, Serbs & Austrians As these people are all Paleo-Europeans they are related Norwegian Greenland Iceland Ancient Kven invasion East Karellla Faroe Islands Finland Ingria Shettland Swedish Livonia Norway Orkney Swedem Cthness Barra Swedis King Eriegarsäll North Sea Empire Conue Denmark County of York Prussig Jarldom of Kiev'-Rus Domk anish Teutons Swedish Königsbeka Danelaw Viking states of Ireland Conuer a Denmark King Sigismund:Vasa Swedish Miktary Over Poldnd Friselar Cuckea England Occupation 30 years war. 50% Germans Died KING ERMANERÍC GOTHIC KING Normandy Calais KGD OFTHE FRANKS DM. Of the Rugiy Ermaneri Stavropol-Krai Kingdom of Gothic Gebids (Khazar war) (Half a millenia prior to Kiev') Queen Marpesia Gothie Queen Kingdom of the Suebi Burgundy Pula Lombard Kingdom Gothic Migration to mrace OstroGothie Kingdom King Sitacles Conederps Greece Gothic King VisiGothic King Tanausis King Goth Kingdom Ephesus Vandal Kingdom 37Wonders of the World Huescar Norman Siccily Wonder of the world Built It should be Pointed out, that the Pan Germanic out of Africa theory is False, And all Accusations of Supposed shared ancestry of these Goths or Nordics with other Populations Outside Scandzaheim, Is False, Nordic Man And the GötHeimMan is of Superior Quality and Strength, Reason for this. Mixing Never Happened Sweden, 70% OF THE CONQUESTS - All the Gothic Kingdoms & Empires *7 Rus' & King Erik Segesäll DEN ANEX *2 - Ephesus, Parthinia Poland, 50%GER *3 Stavropol,Kvän & [Franks+Lombrd?] *1/2 Having over 14 000 Years of Genetic The Conquests of the Sole Nordic People of Scandinavia, Atributed to over 70% To Directly Swedes. These Nords Gothic Ruler of Parthinia Seperation from their Indo European Neighboors, Has Utterly shamed VI (47) This was the region where the Goths dwelt when Vesosis, king of the Egyptians, made war upon them. Their king at that time was Tanausis. In a battle at the river Phasis (whence come the birds called pheasants, which are found in abundance at the banquets of the great all over the world) Tanausis, king of the Goths, met Vesosis, king of the Egyptians, and there inflicted a severe defeat upon him, pursuing him even to Egypt. Had he not been restrained by the waters of the impassable Nile and the fortifications which Vesosis had long ago ordered to be made against the raids of the Ethiopians, he would have slain him in his own land. But finding he had no power to injure him there, he returned and conquered almost all Asia and made it subject and tributary to Sornus, king of the Medes, who was then his dear friend. At that time some of his victorious army, seeing that the subdued provinces were rich and fruitful, deserted their companies and of their own accord remained in various parts of Asia. (48) From their name or race Pompeius Trogus says the stock of the Parthians had its origin. Hence even to-day in the Scythian tongue they are called Parthi, that is, Deserters. And in consequence of their descent they are archers-almost alone among all the nations of Asia-and are very valiant warriors. Now in regard to the name, though I have said they were called Parthi because they were deserters, some have traced the derivation of the word otherwise, saying that they were called Parthi because they fled from their kinsmen. Now when Tanausis, king of the Goths, was dead, his people worshipped him as one of their gods. Denmark Vandal Kingdom, Danelaw, NSE, ENG *4 And Humiliated Their Neighboors A genetic Superiority of this people With GREATER Brainsize and Mass And Spirit, Led them to this The Prime among the Nordics Normandy, Prussia, Cal, Oldenburg *4 Why Gothicism? Norway Greenland, IceL, Bassically nothing *2 EITHER DANISH OR SWEDISH ORIGIN - Franks, Lombards, Rugii, Suebi, Sax/Ang Being Göta Stam, Goths.](
![LANDS TAKEN BY NORDICS From early Iron age Nordics from Scandinavia conquerd more than 2/3 of Europe, starting their conquests by defeating both SPQR & Atilla From the Iron age to 1656 Does not include Nordic Hellenics, Nodic Egyptians, Basque, Serbs & Austrians As these people are all Paleo-Europeans they are related Norwegian Greenland Iceland Ancient Kven invasion East Karellla Faroe Islands Finland Ingria Shettland Swedish Livonia Norway Orkney Swedem Cthness Barra Swedis King Eriegarsäll North Sea Empire Conue Denmark County of York Prussig Jarldom of Kiev'-Rus Domk anish Teutons Swedish Königsbeka Danelaw Viking states of Ireland Conuer a Denmark King Sigismund:Vasa Swedish Miktary Over Poldnd Friselar Cuckea England Occupation 30 years war. 50% Germans Died KING ERMANERÍC GOTHIC KING Normandy Calais KGD OFTHE FRANKS DM. Of the Rugiy Ermaneri Stavropol-Krai Kingdom of Gothic Gebids (Khazar war) (Half a millenia prior to Kiev') Queen Marpesia Gothie Queen Kingdom of the Suebi Burgundy Pula Lombard Kingdom Gothic Migration to mrace OstroGothie Kingdom King Sitacles Conederps Greece Gothic King VisiGothic King Tanausis King Goth Kingdom Ephesus Vandal Kingdom 37Wonders of the World Huescar Norman Siccily Wonder of the world Built It should be Pointed out, that the Pan Germanic out of Africa theory is False, And all Accusations of Supposed shared ancestry of these Goths or Nordics with other Populations Outside Scandzaheim, Is False, Nordic Man And the GötHeimMan is of Superior Quality and Strength, Reason for this. Mixing Never Happened Sweden, 70% OF THE CONQUESTS - All the Gothic Kingdoms & Empires *7 Rus' & King Erik Segesäll DEN ANEX *2 - Ephesus, Parthinia Poland, 50%GER *3 Stavropol,Kvän & [Franks+Lombrd?] *1/2 Having over 14 000 Years of Genetic The Conquests of the Sole Nordic People of Scandinavia, Atributed to over 70% To Directly Swedes. These Nords Gothic Ruler of Parthinia Seperation from their Indo European Neighboors, Has Utterly shamed VI (47) This was the region where the Goths dwelt when Vesosis, king of the Egyptians, made war upon them. Their king at that time was Tanausis. In a battle at the river Phasis (whence come the birds called pheasants, which are found in abundance at the banquets of the great all over the world) Tanausis, king of the Goths, met Vesosis, king of the Egyptians, and there inflicted a severe defeat upon him, pursuing him even to Egypt. Had he not been restrained by the waters of the impassable Nile and the fortifications which Vesosis had long ago ordered to be made against the raids of the Ethiopians, he would have slain him in his own land. But finding he had no power to injure him there, he returned and conquered almost all Asia and made it subject and tributary to Sornus, king of the Medes, who was then his dear friend. At that time some of his victorious army, seeing that the subdued provinces were rich and fruitful, deserted their companies and of their own accord remained in various parts of Asia. (48) From their name or race Pompeius Trogus says the stock of the Parthians had its origin. Hence even to-day in the Scythian tongue they are called Parthi, that is, Deserters. And in consequence of their descent they are archers-almost alone among all the nations of Asia-and are very valiant warriors. Now in regard to the name, though I have said they were called Parthi because they were deserters, some have traced the derivation of the word otherwise, saying that they were called Parthi because they fled from their kinsmen. Now when Tanausis, king of the Goths, was dead, his people worshipped him as one of their gods. Denmark Vandal Kingdom, Danelaw, NSE, ENG *4 And Humiliated Their Neighboors A genetic Superiority of this people With GREATER Brainsize and Mass And Spirit, Led them to this The Prime among the Nordics Normandy, Prussia, Cal, Oldenburg *4 Why Gothicism? Norway Greenland, IceL, Bassically nothing *2 EITHER DANISH OR SWEDISH ORIGIN - Franks, Lombards, Rugii, Suebi, Sax/Ang Being Göta Stam, Goths.](
Nordicists believe that Mediterraneans are non-white, non-European, Middle Eastern people


White Egyptian
