Dad Jokes - Images
Gotta say those are very flattering photos
Dad Jokes
Thanks for your opinion dad
Dad Jokes
Doesn't get more classic dad than that
Dad Jokes
Dad joke level 15/10
Dad Jokes
He's just keeping up with the hip new phrases
Dad Jokes
Well spotted, dad
Dad Jokes
No I require room service
Dad Jokes
That's a whole new level of dad joke
Dad Jokes
So he's never used either one before?
Dad Jokes
Me: *inches away slowly*
Dad Jokes
Like the warmth of the sun
Dad Jokes
for sure a book
Dad Jokes
But I don't own socks dad...
Dad Jokes
thank god
Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes
Hank Hill
Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes