Dafuq - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views Well, that was nice of them Dafuq mind weird nice doctor brain hospital spirit friendly medicine spooky ghosts surgery doctors voices dafuq medical tumor helpful brain tumor friendly ghosts I saw this in a dream a couple years back. Dafuq garry's mod sombrero dafuq tennis ball business suit Dafuq Dafuq ... I can't.... I simply can't... Dafuq commercial kick gi joe meditation duke howitzer dhalsim ganesh hinduism Remotely Dafuq sports interview remote player puns pun tv remote fox sports 100% Cringe Dafuq twitter why killers school shooting school shooters Dafuq hand galaxy stars finger photoshop black and white space edit grab hand galaxy stars finger photoshop black and white space edit grab Dafuq PlayStation 2 ad from yesteryear. Dafuq is that a donkey penis why is an angel banging death the heart explosion is the least surreal aspect here. Kaboom Dafuq fire crotch fireworks lighter boxers sparks firecracker The 1950s Were Fucked Up Dafuq games cat party 1950s Dafuq Dafuq NOPE Dafuq spider Dafuq gorilla dafuq Today's Top Image Galleries My Little Pony Hex Maniac J.D. Vance Face Edits AI / Artificial Intelligence