Based on author's experience
![Interviewer: Okay, on to the next queon Horikoshi: Oh wow, there's way too many to "Within the series and the world, the BNHA characters feel real and have very human emotions. Did you have any of your own experiences that you wrote into the story?" me!" and Deku says "I am here!"] I actually Has there been any specific instances wher used to do this exact same thing with my your own personal experienced have influenced some of the story's scenes or script? count. For example in Volume 11, when Deku was younger he and his mom have a scene together [where Deku's mom says, "Help mom when I was younger, and we played at the park's playgrounds. We called it the "King of the Jungle." My mom would go inside the jungle gym at the playground and say "Please save me, Leo," which is the name that I used to call myself when we played this together. I have that memory of pretending to be Led and playing with my mom at the playground, so I wanted to incorporate that into the story. As a reader,it's probably a scene that does not hold much meaning, but as for me, I cried while writing that scene. m here](
![Interviewer: Okay, on to the next queon Horikoshi: Oh wow, there's way too many to "Within the series and the world, the BNHA characters feel real and have very human emotions. Did you have any of your own experiences that you wrote into the story?" me!" and Deku says "I am here!"] I actually Has there been any specific instances wher used to do this exact same thing with my your own personal experienced have influenced some of the story's scenes or script? count. For example in Volume 11, when Deku was younger he and his mom have a scene together [where Deku's mom says, "Help mom when I was younger, and we played at the park's playgrounds. We called it the "King of the Jungle." My mom would go inside the jungle gym at the playground and say "Please save me, Leo," which is the name that I used to call myself when we played this together. I have that memory of pretending to be Led and playing with my mom at the playground, so I wanted to incorporate that into the story. As a reader,it's probably a scene that does not hold much meaning, but as for me, I cried while writing that scene. m here](
Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Just when she thought she was safe

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
He is not here...

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Great JoJo, or the GREATEST JoJo?

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
The accident wasn't your fault.

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
A wild Bruno appeared!

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Unexpected outcome

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Hello Mother, Many Doors Yes

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
This is how a legend begins.

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
wrong room

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Justin Y is here

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
It's not your mother deku...

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita
Get Help!

Deku Playing With His Mother / Watashi wa Kita