Differenze Linguistiche - Images
Tea -- Differenze Linguistiche
![Differenze Linguistiche 茶 Group 1 _ "te" " tea". etc Danish Dutch English Esperanto Finnish French thee tea teo tee le thé der Tee teh tae Hebrew Irish Italian Norwegian Spanislh Swedish Welsh . "chai", etc chai / shai cha chai Group 2 - "cha" Arabic Bengal:i Bulgarian Chinese * Cantonese: chá * Mandarin: ch Czech Hindi Japanese Korean Perslan Portuguese cha Russlan Thai Tibetan Turkish Ukranian Urdu caj [chai] chai cha [formal] ocha cha chay chai chah cha ja cay [chai] chai Group 3 -- Other Lithuanian: arbata Polish herbat Te, chai, arbata? LIKE I GIVE A](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/394/388/d14.png)
![Differenze Linguistiche 茶 Group 1 _ "te" " tea". etc Danish Dutch English Esperanto Finnish French thee tea teo tee le thé der Tee teh tae Hebrew Irish Italian Norwegian Spanislh Swedish Welsh . "chai", etc chai / shai cha chai Group 2 - "cha" Arabic Bengal:i Bulgarian Chinese * Cantonese: chá * Mandarin: ch Czech Hindi Japanese Korean Perslan Portuguese cha Russlan Thai Tibetan Turkish Ukranian Urdu caj [chai] chai cha [formal] ocha cha chay chai chah cha ja cay [chai] chai Group 3 -- Other Lithuanian: arbata Polish herbat Te, chai, arbata? LIKE I GIVE A](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/394/388/d14.png)
Differenze Linguistiche
Differenze Linguistice: Helicopter

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche
Differenze Linguistiche Turtle!

Differenze Linguistiche
Differenze Linguistiche Speed Limit

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche
sensitive skin

Differenze Linguistiche
proud to be Lithuanian

Differenze Linguistiche
Street Fighter

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche

Differenze Linguistiche
Differenze Linguistiche - 'tram'

Differenze Linguistiche
Germanische Version

Differenze Linguistiche
Differenze Linguistiche: Volume

Differenze Linguistiche