Diogenes Posting - Images
Featherless Biped

Diogenes Posting
The good life.

Diogenes Posting
Diogenes is so much superior than Dio

Diogenes Posting
Behold a Man

Diogenes Posting
diogenes is the only valid philosopher

Diogenes Posting
Fuck All Philosophy

Diogenes Posting
Quadripedal Animals

Diogenes Posting
Plato is a meme

Diogenes Posting
The great thinkers discuss anime

Diogenes Posting
Based Diogenes

Diogenes Posting
I spent way too much time on this shitty meme

Diogenes Posting
Anon hates the normies

Diogenes Posting
When I grow old, I want to be just like Diogenes

Diogenes Posting
Alexander meets the Diogenes, 336 B.C

Diogenes Posting
A philosophical consent

Diogenes Posting
The millennium old dilemma

Diogenes Posting