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Diogenes Posting refers to the practice of posting greentext stories and memes about Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, often presenting him as the original shitposter and a troll. Originating on 4chan, the trend later spread to Tumblr, Reddit and other online platforms.


On October 31st, 2015, History & Humanities discussion board /his/ was launched on 4chan. On the same day, an anonymous 4chan user launched a thread dedicated to Greek philosophers, with the founders of Cynic philosophy Diogenes being described as "based" in the comments.[1] A post in another thread launched on the same day called for Diogenes picture being sticked on the board.[2] In another thread, launched on November 7th, Diogenes was named "the original shitposter".[3] More threads in which Diogenes was described as a shitposter, an /ourguy/ [4] and a chad (and his opponent Plato as a virgin)[5] would appear on /his/ and other 4chan boards later.

Report Anonymous Fri 18 Dec 2015 08:11:16 No.428325 Quoted By: >>428331 >>442611 Diogenes was the biggest shitposter in Ancient Hellas >As Diogenes was sitting in his pot, Alexander approached him and asked him if there was anything he could give to the philosopher, who lived an existence in willing poverty. Diogenes, glancing up, exclaimed "Yes, get out of my sunlight. Do not take willingly from me that which you cannot give me freely" >Alexander continued to lavish Diogenes with praise, exclaiming "If I were not Alexander, I woulod wish to be Diogenes". To this, Diogenes responded "If I were not Diogenes, I would also wish to be Diogenes" >Upon entering the home of a wealthy man, the master asked Diogenes not to spit on his house or his possessions. Upon hearing this, Diogenes spat in the face of the master, claiming he could find no other place to expectorate. >Diogenes was once seen walking through the agora at day carrying a lit lamp. When asked about his actions, he claimed "I am looking for an honest man"
Anonymous Sun 01 Nov 2015 07:34:17 No.17804 Report Quoted By: >>17859 >>19031 Diogenese is my Philoso-fu He revealed the true nature of humanity through his efforts rather than contemplating some far off idea. Cynicism reveals that all humans are flawed because we all have desire and desire is easily corrupted. All this regard we have for ourselves in society is silly- we must remember society itself is merely an illusion that humans create so they have something to do It's weird though I am a hard working person of Christian faith and I feel he hits home on so many things

Anonymous Fri 24 Feb 2017 00:04:07 No.18669292 Quoted By: >>18669305 >>18669311 >>18669276 Is that king n---- Diogenes? Most based person in history, truly a qualifier for lourguy/
Anonymous Sun 01 Nov 2015 23:09:30 No.40399 >40279 >Naked chronic masturbating alpha standing up to the man Me Closet homosexual overrated as f--- beta YOU


The trend continued in the following years, with several popular anecdotes about the philosopher often being referenced in greentexts on /his/, /v/, and other 4chan boards.[6][7] Those included Dioneges' counterargument against Plato's definition of a man as "featherless biped" and his dismissive attitude towards Alexander the Great during their brief encounter.

Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)21:34:52 No.5763418 Feathers >be Plato >wake up in Greek bathhouse surrounded Biped by drunk, sweaty men jerking off in the open inhale deeply ah veah. Civilization come up with smartest idea in history his is a man 44 KB JPG while watching a squat, hairy man grunting in concentration, assaulting his 3" c--- philosophy.cuneiformtablet rush to public forum >skin is pruny af students there laugh and say my skin looks like a diseased fruit mumble some s--- about man being anything featherless and bipedal mangy looking beggar in piss stained robes saunters up with a naked chicken he f------ plucked a live chicken allmywut.ambrosia sets it on the ground "Behold! Plato's Man!" students start murmuring calling me a dumbasS just stand there. Spaghetti oozing from robes beggar gives crowd a gap toothed cackle f------ Diogenes
No.236424158 47 minuti fa 236423661 >Students are in their seats, Plato begins his lecture Suddenly, the door swings open it's Diogenes 25 minutes late to class s"Oh my God Becky, is he holding a dead chicken?" >"Like, is that his lunch or something? >"He's so weird" Diogenes sits at a desk in the back, leaning awkwardly backwards and bouncing his Knee up and down He gets up quickly, knocking his thigh on the desk with a clunk Everybody turns around and looks Plato stops talking Diogenes walks to the front of the class, stumbling part way through "Oh God, not again Diogenes holds up his plucked chicken B-behold, a m-m-man! His voice breaking Eyes roll and audible groans are heard throughout the class Diogenes slams the chicken on the table, it slips off, so he bends down, picks it up, and puts it back on the table >He walks out, masturbating 1 reply

On Tumblr, several popular viral posts referencing the philosopher have been made starting in 2016. On October 1st, 2016, Tumblr[8] user librarianarchy made a post mentioning Diogenes' famous "Behold the Man" argument which gained over 205,000 likes and reblogs in two and a half years. On January 5th, 2017, Tumblr[9] user nonlinear-nonsubjective replied to a thread which argued that a coconut can be considered a mammal and gained over 491,000 likes and reblogs. Both posts were later reposted to Reddit.[10][11]

librarianarchv: I love when small children identify all quadripedal animals as "doggy!" 35 It always reminds me of the time Plato offered the definition of a human as any "featherless biped" and Diogenes busted into the Academy with a plucked chicken screaming, "BEHOLD A MAN!" 12
just-shower-thoughts Mammals both produce milk and have hair. Ergo, a coconut is a mammal. maliwanhellfires I know you're being facetious, but this is an actual issue with morphology- based phylogeny. castiel-for-king "leans over and whispers to person beside me* what are they talking about sonneillonv "leans over and whispers back Human ability to quantify and categorize natural phenomena is sketchy at best and wildly misleading at worst nonlinear-nonsubjective consider the coconut bemusedlybespectacled this reminds me of that time Plato defined humans as featherless bipeds" and Diogenes ran in with a plucked chicken screaming BEHOLD A MAN! Source: just-shower-th.. 150,606 notes

In August 2018, a meme format in which Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle and Diogenes offered their opinions on divisive subjects gained significant popularity in /r/animemes subreddit,[12][13] with Diogenes usually presented as a weeaboo.

Is it gay to love traps? ARISTOTLE: "Suppose, for the sake of argument, that traps were just a species within the genus of women, just as "tall women" are. This would mean that traps ar women, which makes it not gay for a man to love them However, insofar as traps exist as a distinct species of PLATO: "For a man to love traps is not gay by any measure, for traps em Beauty, which suffers no constraint by any earthly gender but is rather fulfilled in all feminine bodies regardless of their biological origins. For example, one might love and admire a statue of a woman, but we would women, it must be fundamentally gay to love them, for the never call such a person a statue-lover, for it is the form of differentia of a trap is the quality of "having been raised the Female which is instantiated in the statue that this person admires; likewise with traps. We see that there are exclusion of women of other heights, we would say that some who love traps but despise overly-masculine bodies, ths person is a lover of "tallness". Likewise, if one were to and for these people, it is not proper to speak of them as love trap-women, to the exclusion of other women, we being gay at all, for the nature of gayness, if gayness were would say that this person is a lover of the differentiating to exist, is the love of a gender which is the same as yours. quality of traps, which is "having been raised as boys, This love is something which has its timeless origin in the and hence that this person is straight in some ways, but domain of Forms before it could ever become instantiated also gay. For it is the differences between species from in the world of bodies. Therefore, it is not gay to love traps, which we derive our definitions. So long as the distinction for one loves not the earthly body of a young boy but a transcendent Woman-Beauty that is fundamentally female in nature and completely incorporeal body the true form of feminine a boy". If one were to be a lover of tall women to the between trap-women and non-trap-women exists, it must be at least a little gay to love traps. And if it is at least a little bit gay to love traps, then it is certainly ga DIOGENES: "Lmao dude, who giveth a f--- about gender-distinctions when you can celebrate the wedding- hymn of your right hand to any person you want?"
Is Taiga a tsundere? Plato: "Ideally, a tsundere is someoneAristotle: "While she's shown to who isn't true to one's feelings. Therefore, Taiga is the ideal tsundere, because she has feelings for Ryuuji Since at least episode three, but doesn't fully acknowledges it until the Christmas episode. Until that epiphany, she slowly turns less and less violent towards him, showcasing her subconscious change in love interest, from infatuation Therefore, she was never a tsundere, to true love. be agressive and impulsive from the very beginning, Taiga is only violent towards Ryuuji and Ami, characters she does not fully trust yet She showcases no violence towards Kitamura, her initial love interest. Later, she slowly turns less violent not only towards Ryuuji but towards all people. but rather, she was a girl with extreme trust and anger issues. Diogenes: "She's still best girl no matter what you idiots say. Flat is justice and her body pillow is comfy'"

On YouTube, edutainment videos about the philosopher by YouTubers Sisyphus 55 and Sam O'Nella gained over 1.2 and 2.8 million views in three and two years, respectively.

Various Examples

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)01:22:42 No.781670547 >>781 669759 (OP) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes Ancient Greek philosopher Slived in a barrel >public masturbator >theater s------ >Alexander the Great asked him if he would like any favor >said, "yeah, move, you're blocking my sunlight" >he heckled Plato >he was a Cynic--hated the normies He was one of us, maybe the first.
Plato y can t you just be normal? ogenes *Masturbates' in public*
ME: Live in a barrel Masturbate in Public Take a s--- in the theater Plug a chicken and scream BEHOLD! A MAN! OTHER PHILOSOPHERS xLive in houses xDevelop virtue ethics xWrite on Dramatic Theory xDefine Man to be a featherless biped' xTeach Emperors Tell Emperors to stand out of my f------ sunlight

Thereupon many statesmen and philosophers came to Alexander with their congratulations, and he expected that Diogenes of Sinope also, who was tarrying in Corinth, would do likewise. But since that philosopher took not the slightest notice of Alexander, and continued to enjoy his leisure in the suburb Craneion, Alexander went in person to see him; and he found him lying in the sun. Diogenes raised himself up a little when he saw so many people coming towards him, and fixed his eyes upon Alexander. And when that monarch addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, "HINJAKU HINJAKU" Diogenes answered "You think a human could ever fulfill the wishes of DIO. SAMA? MUDA MUDA MUDA!". It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, he exclaimed "NANI?!" / 6
Do you ever just live in a giant wine jar and masturbate in public to flex on materialistic n-----?
PLATO MAN IS A FEATHERLESS BIPED." DIOGENES l. 211 Are you delusional? Do you suffer from a mental illness?
Are weebs pathetic degenerates who insert Japanese words in their vocabulary even though they don't speak the language? Plato: "Yes" Aristotle:"Yes" Diogenes: "Hai"

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Diogenes Posting

Diogenes Posting

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Updated May 28, 2019 at 08:31AM EDT by Philipp.

Added Mar 06, 2019 at 03:05PM EST by Philipp.

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Diogenes Posting refers to the practice of posting greentext stories and memes about Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, often presenting him as the original shitposter and a troll. Originating on 4chan, the trend later spread to Tumblr, Reddit and other online platforms.


On October 31st, 2015, History & Humanities discussion board /his/ was launched on 4chan. On the same day, an anonymous 4chan user launched a thread dedicated to Greek philosophers, with the founders of Cynic philosophy Diogenes being described as "based" in the comments.[1] A post in another thread launched on the same day called for Diogenes picture being sticked on the board.[2] In another thread, launched on November 7th, Diogenes was named "the original shitposter".[3] More threads in which Diogenes was described as a shitposter, an /ourguy/ [4] and a chad (and his opponent Plato as a virgin)[5] would appear on /his/ and other 4chan boards later.

Report Anonymous Fri 18 Dec 2015 08:11:16 No.428325 Quoted By: >>428331 >>442611 Diogenes was the biggest shitposter in Ancient Hellas >As Diogenes was sitting in his pot, Alexander approached him and asked him if there was anything he could give to the philosopher, who lived an existence in willing poverty. Diogenes, glancing up, exclaimed "Yes, get out of my sunlight. Do not take willingly from me that which you cannot give me freely" >Alexander continued to lavish Diogenes with praise, exclaiming "If I were not Alexander, I woulod wish to be Diogenes". To this, Diogenes responded "If I were not Diogenes, I would also wish to be Diogenes" >Upon entering the home of a wealthy man, the master asked Diogenes not to spit on his house or his possessions. Upon hearing this, Diogenes spat in the face of the master, claiming he could find no other place to expectorate. >Diogenes was once seen walking through the agora at day carrying a lit lamp. When asked about his actions, he claimed "I am looking for an honest man" Anonymous Sun 01 Nov 2015 07:34:17 No.17804 Report Quoted By: >>17859 >>19031 Diogenese is my Philoso-fu He revealed the true nature of humanity through his efforts rather than contemplating some far off idea. Cynicism reveals that all humans are flawed because we all have desire and desire is easily corrupted. All this regard we have for ourselves in society is silly- we must remember society itself is merely an illusion that humans create so they have something to do It's weird though I am a hard working person of Christian faith and I feel he hits home on so many things
Anonymous Fri 24 Feb 2017 00:04:07 No.18669292 Quoted By: >>18669305 >>18669311 >>18669276 Is that king n---- Diogenes? Most based person in history, truly a qualifier for lourguy/ Anonymous Sun 01 Nov 2015 23:09:30 No.40399 >40279 >Naked chronic masturbating alpha standing up to the man Me Closet homosexual overrated as f--- beta YOU


The trend continued in the following years, with several popular anecdotes about the philosopher often being referenced in greentexts on /his/, /v/, and other 4chan boards.[6][7] Those included Dioneges' counterargument against Plato's definition of a man as "featherless biped" and his dismissive attitude towards Alexander the Great during their brief encounter.

Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)21:34:52 No.5763418 Feathers >be Plato >wake up in Greek bathhouse surrounded Biped by drunk, sweaty men jerking off in the open inhale deeply ah veah. Civilization come up with smartest idea in history his is a man 44 KB JPG while watching a squat, hairy man grunting in concentration, assaulting his 3" c--- philosophy.cuneiformtablet rush to public forum >skin is pruny af students there laugh and say my skin looks like a diseased fruit mumble some s--- about man being anything featherless and bipedal mangy looking beggar in piss stained robes saunters up with a naked chicken he f------ plucked a live chicken allmywut.ambrosia sets it on the ground "Behold! Plato's Man!" students start murmuring calling me a dumbasS just stand there. Spaghetti oozing from robes beggar gives crowd a gap toothed cackle f------ Diogenes No.236424158 47 minuti fa 236423661 >Students are in their seats, Plato begins his lecture Suddenly, the door swings open it's Diogenes 25 minutes late to class s"Oh my God Becky, is he holding a dead chicken?" >"Like, is that his lunch or something? >"He's so weird" Diogenes sits at a desk in the back, leaning awkwardly backwards and bouncing his Knee up and down He gets up quickly, knocking his thigh on the desk with a clunk Everybody turns around and looks Plato stops talking Diogenes walks to the front of the class, stumbling part way through "Oh God, not again Diogenes holds up his plucked chicken B-behold, a m-m-man! His voice breaking Eyes roll and audible groans are heard throughout the class Diogenes slams the chicken on the table, it slips off, so he bends down, picks it up, and puts it back on the table >He walks out, masturbating 1 reply

On Tumblr, several popular viral posts referencing the philosopher have been made starting in 2016. On October 1st, 2016, Tumblr[8] user librarianarchy made a post mentioning Diogenes' famous "Behold the Man" argument which gained over 205,000 likes and reblogs in two and a half years. On January 5th, 2017, Tumblr[9] user nonlinear-nonsubjective replied to a thread which argued that a coconut can be considered a mammal and gained over 491,000 likes and reblogs. Both posts were later reposted to Reddit.[10][11]

librarianarchv: I love when small children identify all quadripedal animals as "doggy!" 35 It always reminds me of the time Plato offered the definition of a human as any "featherless biped" and Diogenes busted into the Academy with a plucked chicken screaming, "BEHOLD A MAN!" 12 just-shower-thoughts Mammals both produce milk and have hair. Ergo, a coconut is a mammal. maliwanhellfires I know you're being facetious, but this is an actual issue with morphology- based phylogeny. castiel-for-king "leans over and whispers to person beside me* what are they talking about sonneillonv "leans over and whispers back Human ability to quantify and categorize natural phenomena is sketchy at best and wildly misleading at worst nonlinear-nonsubjective consider the coconut bemusedlybespectacled this reminds me of that time Plato defined humans as featherless bipeds" and Diogenes ran in with a plucked chicken screaming BEHOLD A MAN! Source: just-shower-th.. 150,606 notes

In August 2018, a meme format in which Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle and Diogenes offered their opinions on divisive subjects gained significant popularity in /r/animemes subreddit,[12][13] with Diogenes usually presented as a weeaboo.

Is it gay to love traps? ARISTOTLE: "Suppose, for the sake of argument, that traps were just a species within the genus of women, just as "tall women" are. This would mean that traps ar women, which makes it not gay for a man to love them However, insofar as traps exist as a distinct species of PLATO: "For a man to love traps is not gay by any measure, for traps em Beauty, which suffers no constraint by any earthly gender but is rather fulfilled in all feminine bodies regardless of their biological origins. For example, one might love and admire a statue of a woman, but we would women, it must be fundamentally gay to love them, for the never call such a person a statue-lover, for it is the form of differentia of a trap is the quality of "having been raised the Female which is instantiated in the statue that this person admires; likewise with traps. We see that there are exclusion of women of other heights, we would say that some who love traps but despise overly-masculine bodies, ths person is a lover of "tallness". Likewise, if one were to and for these people, it is not proper to speak of them as love trap-women, to the exclusion of other women, we being gay at all, for the nature of gayness, if gayness were would say that this person is a lover of the differentiating to exist, is the love of a gender which is the same as yours. quality of traps, which is "having been raised as boys, This love is something which has its timeless origin in the and hence that this person is straight in some ways, but domain of Forms before it could ever become instantiated also gay. For it is the differences between species from in the world of bodies. Therefore, it is not gay to love traps, which we derive our definitions. So long as the distinction for one loves not the earthly body of a young boy but a transcendent Woman-Beauty that is fundamentally female in nature and completely incorporeal body the true form of feminine a boy". If one were to be a lover of tall women to the between trap-women and non-trap-women exists, it must be at least a little gay to love traps. And if it is at least a little bit gay to love traps, then it is certainly ga DIOGENES: "Lmao dude, who giveth a f--- about gender-distinctions when you can celebrate the wedding- hymn of your right hand to any person you want?" Is Taiga a tsundere? Plato: "Ideally, a tsundere is someoneAristotle: "While she's shown to who isn't true to one's feelings. Therefore, Taiga is the ideal tsundere, because she has feelings for Ryuuji Since at least episode three, but doesn't fully acknowledges it until the Christmas episode. Until that epiphany, she slowly turns less and less violent towards him, showcasing her subconscious change in love interest, from infatuation Therefore, she was never a tsundere, to true love. be agressive and impulsive from the very beginning, Taiga is only violent towards Ryuuji and Ami, characters she does not fully trust yet She showcases no violence towards Kitamura, her initial love interest. Later, she slowly turns less violent not only towards Ryuuji but towards all people. but rather, she was a girl with extreme trust and anger issues. Diogenes: "She's still best girl no matter what you idiots say. Flat is justice and her body pillow is comfy'"

On YouTube, edutainment videos about the philosopher by YouTubers Sisyphus 55 and Sam O'Nella gained over 1.2 and 2.8 million views in three and two years, respectively.

Various Examples

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)01:22:42 No.781670547 >>781 669759 (OP) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes Ancient Greek philosopher Slived in a barrel >public masturbator >theater s------ >Alexander the Great asked him if he would like any favor >said, "yeah, move, you're blocking my sunlight" >he heckled Plato >he was a Cynic--hated the normies He was one of us, maybe the first. Plato y can t you just be normal? ogenes *Masturbates' in public* ME: Live in a barrel Masturbate in Public Take a s--- in the theater Plug a chicken and scream BEHOLD! A MAN! OTHER PHILOSOPHERS xLive in houses xDevelop virtue ethics xWrite on Dramatic Theory xDefine Man to be a featherless biped' xTeach Emperors Tell Emperors to stand out of my f------ sunlight
Thereupon many statesmen and philosophers came to Alexander with their congratulations, and he expected that Diogenes of Sinope also, who was tarrying in Corinth, would do likewise. But since that philosopher took not the slightest notice of Alexander, and continued to enjoy his leisure in the suburb Craneion, Alexander went in person to see him; and he found him lying in the sun. Diogenes raised himself up a little when he saw so many people coming towards him, and fixed his eyes upon Alexander. And when that monarch addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, "HINJAKU HINJAKU" Diogenes answered "You think a human could ever fulfill the wishes of DIO. SAMA? MUDA MUDA MUDA!". It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, he exclaimed "NANI?!" / 6 Do you ever just live in a giant wine jar and masturbate in public to flex on materialistic n-----? PLATO MAN IS A FEATHERLESS BIPED." DIOGENES l. 211 Are you delusional? Do you suffer from a mental illness? Are weebs pathetic degenerates who insert Japanese words in their vocabulary even though they don't speak the language? Plato: "Yes" Aristotle:"Yes" Diogenes: "Hai"

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