2017 French Presidential Election - Images
"Rare Picture of Philippe Poutou preparing his punchlines during the presidential debate"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Another drink" "Macron stop why you keep drinking?" "BECAUSE THIS IS OUR WINE!"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Respect our Captain" "why?" "BECAUSE THIS IS OUR HOOK"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Can you please leave?" "why?" "BECAUSE THIS IS OUR ATTIC!"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Yugi let me fight you." "No, I'll fight Kaiba." "Why?" "Because this is our DUEEEEL"
2017 French Presidential Election
2017 French Presidential Election
"Don't forget to do your school work for tomorrow." "Why?" "BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR PROJEEEECT!"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Give me my hand back, please, Bashar!" "Give them the money back"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Give the money back goddamnit!"
2017 French Presidential Election
"give the money back, François"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Fillon, we know you're here! you're surrounded! give the money back now!"
2017 French Presidential Election
"Mr Fillon, wouldn't it be the time for you to give the money back?" "Not at all, it is..."
2017 French Presidential Election
2017 French Presidential Election
"I can hear a scream rising from the country" "and that scream says 'GIVE THE MONEY BACK!' "
2017 French Presidential Election
"rends l'argent"
2017 French Presidential Election
Perceval for president 2017
2017 French Presidential Election
Leodagan 2017, pour un bon coup de pied dans les noix
2017 French Presidential Election
Moonlight best picture
2017 French Presidential Election
Only Link can defeat Ganon
2017 French Presidential Election
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2017 French Presidential Election